This is a library of perfboard and single-sided PCB effect layouts for guitar and bass. I'm not an electrical engineer by any stretch of the imagination, just a DIY'er who likes drawing layouts. It is meant for the hobbyist (so commercial use of any of these layout is not allowed without permission) and as a way to give back to the online DIY community.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay

The Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay is regarded as one of the best PT2399 based delays out there (with the price tag to match that reputation). It's a warm and natural sounding circuit with an analog direct signal path (aka, no buffers), and plays nice with distortion boxes as well. I've labeled IC1 as a TL072 as it's what you most likely have in your parts drawer, but the originals have either OP275 or AD712 for what it's worth. Pots can be board-mounted from the solder side of the board using right angle PCB mount pots.


  1. Replies
    1. Awesome! Glad you were able to get it working.

  2. hi, do it, works but it has a pop when activate the effect.any suggestions?

    1. Try increasing the value of the pulldown resistor at the input.

    2. Thanks, i tried later whit 4m7.

    3. If that doesn't work, you could try putting one off the output to ground as well.

    4. i have no pop see my video on

    5. To get rid of the switch pop, solder 100K resistor on the pcb between the output and GND.

  3. Hi, mi build is really noisy, like a dirty potentiometer after delay at 10 o clock. Any clues? Is this normal? Thanks!

    1. Yeah, that shouldn't be normal. Have you tried replacing that pot?

  4. Here is mine! :)
    Great sound!

  5. my build doesn't produce any delay and feedback, only clean sound. what do you think is happening?

    1. Sounds like signal isn't getting to the PT2399 or you have a bad PT2399. Signal goes from the input buffer through the 1µF cap to the delay section, so check that cap too.

    2. I have changed my PT2399 twice, and all of them are new. 1µF cap next to 360K resistor right? I'll try to replace it. thanks man

    3. Yep. Here's a good thread on debugging that circuit as well:

    4. still cannot be able to make mine works... damn...

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. have you tried to connect pin 3 and 4 of the PT to get pin 4 to the ground? that how my problem was solved. unless you got a bad PT or regulator..

    7. hi , i have the same problem!!!! damn!!

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. Replies
    1. Hello, I have the same problem of clean sound without delay, please as you solved the problem?

      Thanks in advance and greetings

    2. One question you had to modify something to the circuit for you to work. I wait your answer . regards

  7. Hello! i have a question the transistor code?

    1. this regulator can be replaced by something like 2222

    2. Pretty sure you have to use a 5v regulator and not a BJT transistor with the PT2399.

    3. HI, i have a question...the 7805 is 5v regulator with TO92 package?? or is the same TO220 package? because i have a TO220 package but i have clean sound and not delay. Thanks!

    4. should be the same or not.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!I've been trying to solve the problem a long time ago.

    5. Im so stupid! its the same, thanks!! ahaha

  8. Working! Well done loyout! Ty mate :)

  9. Hello! can you tell me the pcb size? for transfer, thank you!

  10. Dude I got a problem. Every time i turn on my power supply to the pedal, it doesnt work. It then only works when i take the pt2399 off of the sircuit and put it back or touch the connection which connects the 7805 transistor to the IC to give if some kind of electric shock while the power supply is on. I've built two of this and both the same. Seems like the problem in the power section. What do you think is happening to mine?

    1. You're locking up the PT. Try using a different one. They can be kinda spotty.

    2. I've used 5 different PTs, still the same.

    3. Hi, it happen to some of PTC chips (especialy in Indonesia). It needs direct join pin 3 of the PT2399 to pin 4 to ground. For this layout you can just connect pin 3 and pin 4,and its done ( at least for me).

    4. asking permission to explain that in Bahasa.
      @Arief: bisa dijelaskan lebih rinci bro?

    5. ah I see, I got it now.
      @Ariev Setiawan: makasih bro!

    6. ok, it's now 100% working!
      thanks a lot

  11. I just build this pedal and sounds awesome, but everytime I turn the effect ON or OFF it's makes loud POP, the thing is that it sounds no matter if the dc jack is plugged or not. Sorry for the bad english

    1. read comments above brother

    2. Ok I did increase the pull down resistor on input and solder another one on the output but there's no decrease on the POP

    3. si usas mlienium baja la resistencia, o bien cambia el footswitch a un 3pdt, varios pedales los he solucionado asi

    4. have you tried soldering 100K resistor on the pcb between the output and GND, like Rafik Guergour said above?

    5. Estaba poniendo mal resistencia como pull down.. DERP, conectando la resistencia entre la salida y tierra fue suficiente, muchas gracias.

      I was making wrong connections with pull down resistor... DERP, that was all it need. Thank you very much


  12. Hello , sorry for the ignorance , I would like someone tells me that type capacitors are marked in yellow, 47 pf and 100 I mean , thank you very much in advance and greetings

    1. Those would be ceramics but other types can be used.


  13. hello, thanks for the quick response , the confusion came because some are green and these two were coming by to ask in yellow, greetings

  14. hello, thanks for this layout but can you give me a schematic diagram for this ? thanks again :)


  15. Hi! I find 2 mistakes. Pin 3 And 4 of the pt2999 must to go to GND. And the other mistake, a 100k resistor beetween OUT And GND. Fixing this, you are resolving the POP issue

    1. No im not, I still have poping issue. :(
      Any suggestion ?

  16. I just finished this DBD. Sound great and yes there was big pop sound. However, after add 100k between OUTPUT and GROUND, the pop sound had gone!!

  17. I had the same issue. I even tried using an optical bypass board (H11F1 board). I tried the 100k resistor between the output and ground, worked like a charm. Thanks for the tip!

  18. I love your layouts. I had an idea and was wondering if you had ever thought of laying this out with fixed right angle pots? Just an idea but awesome layout. Thanks again.

  19. Thanks man. This one actually is laid out for right angle PCB mount pots. You just need these:

    Or you can use pots with solder lugs and use solid core wire to make the legs.

    1. Hello MCFLY!!! Is anyone in there? I feel so stupid. I am sorry that I did not look at it closer. At any rate, You rock and so does this page. Thank you for all that you do.

    2. Haha no worries, man. We're all guilt of the ol' brain fart now and then :D

  20. I'm curious about tone control for the delay. Is it possible to add tone pot? Is it will be complicated?

  21. the only mod I know for this pedal is only the volume pot

  22. Hi all, hi _Effects Layouts_!
    This is really cool delay, thanks. But I have a problem with it. I built it about 2 months ago, and it worked great!
    Last two weeks the pedal just laid on the floor, I didn't used it. Yesterday I wanted to play with it, aaaand bummer - it is only clean signal. No delays at all.
    Any suggestions?

    1. Could be something wrong with your PT2399. Try jumping pins 3 and 4

    2. Already tried, no effect.
      If PT2399 is deads, may be you could suggest good manufacturer of these chips? I took it from Tayda.

    3. from my experience, there must be something wrong with your cables (if you are using cables to connect the board to the pots). try to resolder them.
      this happens to me many times

    4. I haven't had a problem with Tayda parts before. Sadly, the PT2399 can be pretty finicky. Fortunately they're pretty cheap. I'd just try popping a new one in there.

    5. pots in my build are soldered into pcb, already checked.
      strange thing is that it worked whole month, even more, without any minor troubles. and then just fail, while lying on the floor.

    6. Ok, thanks for the reply.

  23. Very cool delay man. Thanks!!!
    i didn´t bridge the pin 3 & 4 of the PT2399, weird yeah?
    thanks again

  24. Hi, just curious. Does the repeats decay in non-linear manner? Mine only the first repeat is loud as the clean signal. 2nd's and above are so low. This only happen if I set the repeats in the region before 3 o'clock. On 3 and above, the repeats decay linearly.

  25. Done beautifully!! Thanks for the layout!!


  26. They hello to everyone, please be so kind to help me to run my delay, I made the pcb twice and only get clean signal, sometimes me that, just a strange noise like a whistle, other times to remove the battery and put it seems that would work but nothing.
    I tried 10 PT2399 and several transistors and capacitors, which can no longer be more, please appreciate that I can help them.
    Sorry for my English, I use google translator.
    if they can explain what the pin 3 and 4 PT2399 I appreciate it, I have tried unsuccessfully, I have bridged 3 and 4 and have grounded.

    Thanks in advance and greetings

  27. how can i add a tails mod to this layout? thanks :)

  28. Hi, admin, according to the schematics, pin 4 ic pt2399 should connect to ground. Please change your layout to make it more perfect.

    Btw thanx for this amazing site

  29. Hey guys, someone can help me? What is the size of PCB?

    1. Check out the Transfer Image Library tab at the top of the page.

    2. Thank you! Another question. How can I know the types of caps I have to use?

  30. I made it! Here is a video, with a Dub Siren attached.
    My troubleshooting here

  31. Really Cool Pedal!!! It sounds nice and has clean and nice tone. The feedback is very useful and inspiring, and with some distortion and chorus is a great toy to play. Verified 100%.

  32. Is possible to take the dry signal out in this one?

    1. Dry out would be off of pin 1 of the TL072.

    2. Thanks!
      So, if I disconect the 22k kills the dry signal?

    3. Yes. Though that will mess up the Mix control. The Mix acts as a blend between wet and dry signal. My removing the 22k resistor it will basically turn into a volume control.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Simon! Look for the pdf here:
      Inside is sized and ready to print. BTW, the measures are in there

    2. and why are the pictures mirrored? i want to make the PCB with the Photoresist Dry Film technique. can i use them just mirrored and I do not care later that the text is mirrored on my PCB?

    3. Because when you print with toner in the paper, you'll transfer again in the copper side of the board, so it will be reversed again.

  34. what specific audio jack will I use in the input and output signal is it mono or stereo??

    1. You'll only need to use a stereo jack on the input if you're including a battery in your build. Otherwise mono jacks are just fine.

  35. I've done this circuit 3 times. (I jumped pin 3 and 4). Anyway, it always give only clean sound and the first resistor (33 ohm) burns in the first 30 seconds. Any idea?

    1. What kind of power supply are you using? Only time I've had a resistor in that position burn is when a positive power supply was hooked up to a circuit. The polarity protection diode blew and so did the power filtering resistor.


    2. More than sure that it connects the diode upside down

  36. Verify !!

  37. What enclosure size do you consider to be the best for this?

    1. Generally I prefer 125B enclosures. You can probably squeeze it in a 1590B (I think the drill template for this is a 1590B), but you'll have a little extra room in a 125B. It's really up to you though.

    2. Thank you!
      Also, great video on perf, awesome production!

  38. hola tengo un problema, el sonido pareciera no estar filtrado, hace mucho ruido, como si fuese una distorsion, me puedenn ayudar

    1. Hola Gustavo! Fijate si no hay alguna resistencia mala o de otro valor.
      Probaste algún otro PT2399?

    2. estoy probando con un CD2399 que supuestamente son iguales. sera ese el problema?

    3. Usaste un zócalo imagino, probá con un PT2399.
      No encuentro mucha info sobre el CD

    4. voy a hacer eso. Te paso explicar como se comporta el efecto. Lo encendes y no le llega mucha señal porque no se escucha la guitarra pero en un determinado tiempo arranca a sonar de a poco, espero que cambiandole el integrado funcione, no quiero derrochar el circuito. saludos

    5. Por lo que contás, pueden ser varias cosas. Entre ellas algún capacitor, alguna resistencia equivocada.
      Revisá todas esas cosas, y fijate si los caps están bien orientados, valores correctos, etc.
      Por ahí se nos escapa alguna resistencia en el lugar equivocado.
      Me pasó en el Leviathan de Madbean; confundí una resistencia de 47k por una de 10k..y sonaba bajísimo.

    6. dale lo voy a tener en cuenta.. mirandolo ahora los potes la orientacion de los pines esta bastante mal no se si infiere en algo. pero bueno voy a chekear todo.. saludos y gracias nuevamente por contestar.

  39. Hi, I have a problem, the sound seems not to be filtered, it makes a lot of noise, it's like a distortion, it can help me

    1. You seem to have made some sort of error in building. Check for any shorts and go through your build with an audio probe.

    2. Hi Gustavo, like storyboardist says: maybe it's some short, or any bad resistor?

    3. estoy probando con un cd2399 puede que sea ese el problema? gracias por contestar

  40. Hi, my Mix control doesn't works. It's like a full wet every time. My feedback control doesn't decrease enough.

  41. Hello and thank you so much again for all the layouts.. Is it possible to have an LED that dims at the rate of the delay?

  42. Hey man I built this (my first pedal) and remarkably it works, and actually sounds better than thought it would. Thank you for making it possible! As it happens I do not have an original mad professor to compare mine to, but was wondering: does this design sound similar? If so, since we wired these by hand, are they comparable to the hardwired models that mad professor makes? Finally do they also use the PT2399 chip? Thanks again :)

    1. Yes, this a straight clone of the Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay. And yes it would be comparable to the handwired models, assuming you're using similar quality components to what Mad Prof uses.

  43. Right, I used components from Tayda which seemed to work well. I know there are probably better quality parts available, where would you recommend for future reference?

    1. I generally get stuff from Tayda. Mouser has good stuff as well.

  44. Hi, I recently did this delay and everything works fine, the detail is that every time I refer to the power source and turn it does not sound the effect, I have to disconnect the power source and reconnect the pedal to That already works the effect, I have read and I am not the only one that happens to him and that blockage is quite common, will there be a way to solve it? I have already tried with several pt2399 and it happens exactly the same, regards.

    1. Your pin 4 of pt2399 needs to be grounded. Simply connect it to pin 3.

  45. Hi, Built this wonderful delay pedal! Sounds awesome! gotta say its a perfect layout.. Thanks for that!

    Moreover, just wondering if there is a way to increase delay time but does not affect the quality of the repeats.. I tried replacing the Delay Potentiometer to 100k with the intent to longer time delay effect, but the result was a slight distortion at max resistance on the repeats. Sound is okay at low mix levels (and maybe if there is overdrive/dist before the delay) since it is not that noticeable.. Still looking for a way to do it on a clean signal and max mix of wet and dry signal.. Thanks again!

  46. Put a 270k resistor in parallel with the 100k pot. This will reduce the resistance of the pot to around 72k and the max delay setting shouldn't be distorted.

  47. I have build this.. and it works well..thanks for this nice layout

  48. built it and works with my synths, not tested with guitar... it works way better with a chinese pt2399 then with (I think) a legit pt2399

  49. 1) Paired this up with a Taptation pcb everything works fine except when I thurn the pedal off it mutes everything as if the signal cant go through.

    2) Also, mine also makes a loud pop sound when turned on. The solution is to placea 100K resistor from OUT to GND?

    1. 1) Check your off board wiring. Sounds like you've got a short somewhere.
      2) Yes, add the 100k.

    2. Turns out switch was just faulty and the popping sound problem was fixed with an 82k resistor thanks and keep up the good work this thing sound great


  50. Someone tried it in console effect loop? it will work?

  51. Hi, This pedal works great but for some reason I am experiencing this:
    1. 20 minutes DBD delay pedal on - Pedal is working 100%
    2. Turn off the pedal effect for 3 minutes
    3. Turn on again the pedal - EFFECT is not working (it only buffs the signal but there is no delay effect)
    4. Rest the pedal for 20 minutes (power source removed) - Turn on the pedal again and the EFFECT is working 100%

    Did anyone experienced this? How do you fix this? I tried replacing PT2399 for 3 times now, still the same thing occurs. Thanks in advance!

    1. is the 5v regulator hot? It seems the problem is around there

  52. Hello greetings from Brazil
    congratulations for the site, really very good

    I would like to know in numbers, how many milli seconds it has in the delay pot.
    Like the friend over there, I used a 100K pot on the delay.
    And I think of using 150K in the delay and 100K in the mix, have any impediments?

    Although it is working, the sound come out a little low, I like it would to be higher, changing the 22nF cap to 10nF would there be any gain in the final sound ?

    Is there a resistor at the output or input that to be change so you can have some gain in sound ?

    Really very nice this work.

    Thanks for the attention of anyone who read this comment.

    See you later !

    1. With a 50k pot you should get about 600ms delay. Increasing the value of that pot will increase the time, but the longer the time, the more distorted the repeats will become. Somewhere between 70-75k should give you about 900ms of delay without the distortion getting out of hand. I suggest using a 100k pot with a 270k resistor in parallel.

      You can try a 100k for the mix. Not sure what the results would be there. I'd stick with 50k personally.

      As far as the gain of the circuit goes, if memory servers, you can adjust the 360k and 12k resistors in the feedback loops of TL072 (from pin 1 to pin 2, and from pin 6 to pin 7 respectively). A 10n sub for the 22n input cap shouldn't matter too much. Hope that helps.

  53. Okay, thanks for the reply.
    could you help me detailing how I make these adjustments in the 360k and 12k resistors, what do i do with them ? Down the value ?
    Or I remove them completely and put a jump ?

    Pin 1 and 2, 6 and 7 are inputs and outputs, inverted and not inverted.
    With your adjustments what would change in these inputs and outputs?

    I think the input signal to the set is good enough, the final volume is high, what is low is the "Echo or Delay" that the system offers, the doubt is:

    How to increase the volume of sound of the Echo that the Deep Blue offers ??

    the other question is:

    Is it possible to increase the milli-second range of this project?
    I mean, get to 1200ms, 1600ms.

    We know from the information that the limit in milliseconds goes up to 900ms, with a slight change in the delay of 100k associated with a resistance of 270K to control the distortions, so the maximum excursion of the resistance in the delay pot is 70- 75K, how to get more return from miliseconds ?

    Thanks for the atention in the return the comments.

    1. Try increasing those resistors values. Don't jump them.

      Not sure how to implement making the echo sound louder aside from cranking the mix pot.

      You're not going to get undistorted repeats without putting another whole PT2399 into the circuit. Check out the King Dubby Delay for a longer delay (and a few other bells and whistles).

  54. How to put a control of tone anyone know ?

    1. Check out the Wampler Faux Analog Delay. Very similar circuit but has a tone control.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. hello everyone,

    I recently finished this delay, nothing problem with the delay sound.

    I've got a problem after I put this delay effect into enclosure, if I turn ON this pedal, no sound produce from this pedal, after 2 - 3 second, this pedal works fine.

    This case would happen also if I turn OFF this pedal (I used true by pass), I've waited 2-3 second until clear sound have produced.

    anyone have same problem?

    How should I do, to fix this problem?

    Sorry for my bad english

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Greetings to all and big up for this blog!
    I built the DBD
    it works, I only have a problem:
    output I only have low frequencies with a lot of clock in feedback,
    medium high and high frequencies are cut and feedback is very little.
    how can I solve this problem?

    1. I have change potentiometer and remove 47pf ceramic capacitor, cut the high frequncy....resolved problem

    2. did you mean that 47pF cuts the high frequency?

  60. Verified and paired with a tap tempo board. Very nice and smooth sounding.
    The only problem I have is some slight hiss on the initial repeated sound. Can anyone help with this?

  61. i just build this on a breadboard.
    voltages seem fine.
    but the volume of the repeats is very very low.....

  62. I just build this.buat what i got was a muddy bassy low guitar sound with great amount of delay though. but really low output.
    The volume of the guitar is a lot louder when the effect is off.
    What should i do.?

    1. Make sure you used the right values in the TL072 section. Consult the schematic (I think I used the MadBean Sea Urchin schem to lay this out, but it's been a while) and also go over it with an audio probe.

    2. i have this problem too. low output and noise.....volume of the guitar louder when effect is off....... what did you do?

  63. No me ha resultado el efecto, al apretar switch no suena nada, he hecho el circuito tal cual muestra el esquema, necesito ayuda, saludos.

  64. Hey, could you do the MXR Carbon Copy delay? I don't know if it takes like a specialized part or anything, but this site nor tagboard FX has it, is there a particular reason?

    1. There’s not really a schematic for it anywhere. It’s a huge board of SMD parts and to make a single-sided layout with through hole parts would make for a beyond massive board. If you want an analog delay I’d suggest building a DM-2. Tagboard has a layout and MadBean has an etchable board as well.

    2. Alrighty, thanks. PT2399 delays aren't too bad, just some accentuate the harsh delay sound too much. I built the madbean Cave Dweller from the tagboard site last summer, which is decent but really warms up the tone of my clean signal. In the future I'll probably build this or the Wampler Faux Echo to get around that. Thanks again!

  65. Hi, I am facing a weird problem - I have a clean signal no matter if the pedal is on or off (when it's on, there's no delay and the volume level is quite low) and what's more, any of the potentiometers seems to work (can't change volume etc.)
    Have you ever had such a problem? Can PT2399 be the reason for this? Oh, and of course I tried to connect pins 3 and 4 of PT2399 - no change

    1. It could be the PT or you could have a short somewhere in the delay section.

  66. Hi. Thanks for allegro Your worki. Thie id my first complete build �� But as a total newbie to the topić I souls

  67. Ah autocorrect... I would need some help with the 100k resistor between out and gnd. Do I have to solder it side to the 10k near out and diretcly to gnd?

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. hi, this sounds amazing, thanks so much for the layout, if i decide to add a tails mod, you suggest one tails mod for use with this pedal?

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Como aumentar o número de repetições?

  72. Thanks for the layout. Sounds great. Im really liking the dirty sounds when the delay is maxed out. Built it for a family member but will be building another for myself!

    PS. A slightly flat battery really brings out the dirty!

  73. alguien quisiera pasarme fotos de como les quedó el cableado? y mostrarme en la foto que cambiaron del q muestra este layout y el de ustedes? ♥ porfa

  74. Hi sir already done with DBD, however, the tone turns to bassy when its on, compared to bypass normal clean tone, how to get rid of bassy tone?

    1. Use lower value to replace 47nF cap on the feedback. I changed mine to 22nF to get rid that "too bassy" sound

  75. Ive built a couple of these now. Great sounding delay.

    However sometimes when turning on the effect sometimes it wouldn't work and sometimes it would. From looking around it seems its recommended to bridge pins 3 and 4 and then link those to ground (on the 2399 ic). This has fixed my issue so far. Found the tip on tagboards blog.

    Thanks again for the layouts!

  76. Terminei agora duas cópias desse circuito. Uma ponte entre os pinos 3 e 4 no PT2399 foi necessária pra os circuitod funcionarem. No mais, ótimo delay! Obrigado pelo layout!
    Just finish two copys. Bridge pins 3 and 4 in the PT2399 was necessary to make the effect work. Anyway, it's a great delay! Thanks for the layout!!!

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Although the image (shape) of the TO-92 package is oriented the right way, the pinout for the 78L05 on the perfboard image is wrong! 1=Output, 2=Ground and 3=Input, but you have the numbers backwards: 1 is connected to the 9V input and 3 is connected to the output. That will not render 5V, plus, it may damage the PT2399. Just saying.

  79. I have built a few of these and love the sound but I have a problem that I can't resolve. Works awesome into my hotrod delux, but when I use it with my marshall class 5 I get a massive volume boost with the pedal on. Everything still works fine, just crazy loud. Problem is exactly the same with three I have built - Any tips would be appreciated.

  80. Solved! Needed a buffer after the pedal, used a boss GE-7 not switched on and it is perfect

  81. This drawing is almost good.
    To be sure:
    I built a couple of pedals from the drawings here. Thanks for them.

  82. I'm facing the issue of low output delay. I made some changes in values that I'd like to ask if they are what's making this problem. I changed the 12K resistor to a 10K resistor, I changed the 360 k resistor with a 300K resistor I changed the 180k resistor with a 100K resistor and I changed the 47pf capacitor width 100 PF capacitor

  83. O meu funcionou sem repetições, depois de buscas de esquemas com pt 2399, fiz um jumper nos pinos 3 e 4 , aí funcionou o delay.
    Está correto? Pois no layout não tem esse jumper.

  84. Também tive que colocar um resistor de 1M aterrado na saída para tirar o puck ao ligar e desligar.

  85. Hi, great site during this Covid-19 confinement! Looking to build a few pedals based on layouts from this site. Are there component lists somewhere to order all the parts? I'm not exactly sure witch CAPS to order for each projects. Thanks

  86. Hi I'm getting this issue, when the pedal is on i get a small volumen boot if i change the value of the 1k resistor at the output it wolud change the volumen?


  87. Hello, the pedal works correctly, but there is a "pop" "poc" when activating the effect, how to do to eliminate it?

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. effect works! can you tell me how to remove the pop?

    1. No meu circuito eu coloquei um resistor de 1M aterrado na saída. No meu caso resolveu.

  90. coloquei 4558 mas o som saiu baixo sera que foi isso?

  91. Boa noite. Sou de São Paulo. Fiz 2 destes e funcionaram perfeitamente. Usei o TL072 que é bem barato. Único problema inicial foi que tive que fazer um jumper entre pinos 3 e 4 do PT2399 porque não acionava o delay algumas vezes. Todos os projetos deste site funcionaram perfeitamente para mim.

  92. Sorry if this question is kind a bit irritating for you guys... I would like to ask if the layout here shows also the right way of placing a Resistor? Which is the tolerance value itself is always in the end? Please enlighten me.. I want to learn. :/

    1. resistors have no polarity, you can connect everything as shown, the tolerance of the resistors you can choose more accurate or the simple resistor model.

  93. Hi guys. All potentiometers are Linear? Or there's one Logarithmic? :|

    1. They're all linear (A=log, B=linear, C=reverse log)

    2. To be specific

      A= Feedback (Log) 1-3
      B= Mix (Linear) 1-3
      C= Delay (Reverse) 3-1

      But they're all linear? :/
      Yet "FeedBack" is logarithmic track?

    3. Sorry that wasn't very clear on my part. A, B, C are codes for potentiometers that tell the taper. So for example, in layout notes when it says a pot is A100k, that means it's a log taper. In this case all the pots are B (linear).

  94. Oh I see. That's why it said on diagram "All Pots are B50k" Sorry I didn't saw the value that includes. Thanks for the patience.

    One last question on this thread to seize the minute, does all capacitor have the same voltage of 16v for +9V Circuit?

    1. Most films caps aren't rated much lower than like 50v. It's the electrolytic caps that you want to make sure are rated accordingly. I usually go with 25v electros just to be safe.
