This is a library of perfboard and single-sided PCB effect layouts for guitar and bass. I'm not an electrical engineer by any stretch of the imagination, just a DIY'er who likes drawing layouts. It is meant for the hobbyist (so commercial use of any of these layout is not allowed without permission) and as a way to give back to the online DIY community.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

DOD 210 FET Preamp

Got a little simple boost/preamp for your Thursday. Should be a pretty easy fit in a 1590A. J113 alternatives would be J201, 2N5457, and probably a couple other JFETs that are obsolete. 😑


  1. Verified! I used J113. The tone is a little muddy...

  2. Verified! With J201 sounds very good

  3. Replies
    1. It should. You may want to up the value of the 47nf cap though.

  4. Built it, definitely works and gives plenty of volume boost, however with 2N5458s, it did sound pretty muddy like Marcus Corradini said. Did not sound actually muddy the way a fuzz does, but sounded like the transistor was pretty misbiased. Swapped out for a J201 and sounds way better with more clarity.
