This is a library of perfboard and single-sided PCB effect layouts for guitar and bass. I'm not an electrical engineer by any stretch of the imagination, just a DIY'er who likes drawing layouts. It is meant for the hobbyist (so commercial use of any of these layout is not allowed without permission) and as a way to give back to the online DIY community.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Wampler Hot Wired V1

The Hot Wired is a dual channel dirt box offering distortion and overdrive modeled after the tones used by Nashville session artist Brent Mason. I've laid it out for board mounted pots with the board mounted vertically in the enclosure. I laid it out with a 1590BB in mind, but you might be able to make it work in a 125B as well.


  1. Replies
    1. Although, I think you need to change the description for the diodes... D1,D2,D4,D5 red LEDS, not D1-D3?

    2. Yeah I made that confusing, eh? Fixed it.

  2. Replies

  3. Change on the layout 820K (FATB2 and 1 μF connection) to 820R. In the rest everything is fine, great sound. Thank you for the wonderful work!

  4. hi everybody!
    i buildt it and it worked perfect. but after if read about the blend function in V2, i added the split ń blend circuit to the overdrive section! and now......
    thanks very very much for this cool layout

    greetings from austria

    1. Hello, that sounds great! How did you do that?

  5. Friends....How to inter-connect the 2 3PDT between them?

    1. Another question... can I use different pots? the rev log are nearly impossible to find... can you recommend an online supplier that can provide them? Thanks again!

    2. You can use a linear taper in place of the rev log, but it won't have quite the control as the original. I end up ordering a lot of parts from Tayda. They generally have a good price on pots and have lots of values and tapers.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Bueno aunque tarde (recien leo tu pregunta) aquí hay en la ultima parte del documento pdf que adjunto, como conectar ambos switch ( lo probe y funciono ok) aunque el pedal es fabuloso, canales individuales suenan ok, un poco de ruido, cuando se juntan ambos canales es un desastre, es así? (esta pregunta para el señor que nos ha otorgado este circuito)


    6. Two-3pdt Wiring (Page)

  6. Loa pedales de Wampler son excelentes, he hecho este en mención, suenan muy bien los canales individualmente hay cierto ruido, pero cuando se juntan ambos canales hace un ruido espantoso, es así, aquí he usado los mejores componentes y tal cual los mencionados en tu circuito, pero hay este inconveniente, los que mas arriba lo han hecho no tienen este problema ??

    1. Porque si no.. no tiene sentido un pedal así y darse el trabajo de enclaustrarlo en una caja.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "hi everybody!
    i buildt it and it worked perfect. but after if read about the blend function in V2, i added the split ń blend circuit to the overdrive section! and now......
    thanks very very much for this cool layout"

    Hi! How did you do that? Please, help me!! I so need that...

  9. Can someone please provide the diode values. They're hard to read on this drawing.... thanks in advance.
