I traced this one a while back. It's the same delay circuit as the Disaster Transport Jr but with modulation added. It fits nicely in a 1590BB like the original. Schematic here.
If you'd rather a smaller footprint I have fabricated boards for a 125B in the store.
How about making board for one of the double pedals from Xotic https://www.freestompboxes.org/viewtopic.php?t=33712
ReplyDeleteYou can mark it as verified, everything works fine. Thanks
ReplyDeletei wish i were posting this first verification. However i only recieve dry signal. No audio at all on mix and tone lugs.
Deletemake us the skeleton key layout, Schematic below, thanks
oooookay. right after another hour of probing i've managed to find soldering error. works well, verified!
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ReplyDeleteWorked like a charm from the first time. I'm cursed now for the next project.