This is a library of perfboard and single-sided PCB effect layouts for guitar and bass. I'm not an electrical engineer by any stretch of the imagination, just a DIY'er who likes drawing layouts. It is meant for the hobbyist (so commercial use of any of these layout is not allowed without permission) and as a way to give back to the online DIY community.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Death by Audio Fuzz War II

Here's the newer 4 transistor version of the Fuzz War for Fuzz Friday. Apparently the boys at DBA thought a modified Big Muff was a better circuit. Much like the Supa Tonebender, the first gain stage lacks clipping diodes, and (unlike the Supa Tonebender) the second gain stage has modified the clipping from the original BMP.


  1. Will build it soon. Is this version from fuzzdog?

    1. I believe his Fuzz War project is also based on this version of the Fuzz War. Don't know if he made any changes though. This follows the schematic traced on FSB.

  2. Where I can find the PDF for it?

    1. It's in the same PDF as the other Fuzz War layout

  3. I'm an idiot. I've just noticed a fair ammount of rosin between the tracks, which I cleared using a mixture of acetone and kerosine based solvent. After this the overall volume raised about 5-10db, but I thought that was not enough and I swapped the diodes cause I they seemed faulty.
    Now i have a fuzz war clone that is very close to the original one. The only thing that bugs me is the diodes, i still think that dba used 1n34a-g (those with green stripe, which i don't have), since they sound a bit different than typical 1n34a (with a black stripe).

    Anyway, thank you for the layout. I'll continue experimenting with it.

    p.s. sorry for my english

  4. Replies
    1. The same in here. It'd be nice if some one could let us know what specific values od D1 and 2 match to this board. Many thanks.

    2. Edit: I think 1N34a might be the ones. But they are obviously hard to find.

  5. Hello, so is there a way i could limit the level output?? The unity level is at like 9 oclock...!

    1. Yeah it's a loud one. Try lowering the value of the volume pot to like 50k and see if that does anything for you. The max output would still be the same, but the unity level would probably be closer to noon. Or you could wire a resistor (I'd probably start around 20k and adjust or use a trim pot) from the Out pad to the footswitch. That would limit the overall output.

  6. Whats the difference between Fuzz War and Fuzz War II? I see the germanium transistors are missing, but is there a sound difference or its just the fun of using germanium transistors? Thanks.

  7. Sounds great!
    Too much fuzz here.

    Is normal that with gain knob at min, ear a low volume background fuzz sound?

  8. hi; i'm having an issue, with everything crancked i hear a high pitched squeal, if i dime the tone knob to te bass side, it stops, someone knows something about this? ;-;

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. hi, good fuzz, but i feel like mine lacks gain, y feels like an overdrive, anybody has this problem?

    1. Hey man i know this post is ancient but did you solve the problem?I have the same problem.

  10. sound demo?? Does it sound like the original?


  11. I have a problem with the volume pot is very sensitive if I move it little the volume increase is much
    Any idea what's wrong?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hello guys,

    As I responed in one of the comments I have a problem with high pitched squeal. When tone knob is in a different position than 0 I hear high pitched squeal when I touch the strings. When the knob is set to 0 then fuzz war sounds fine. Do you have any ideas what I messed? I see that I am not the only one with this issue.

    Thanks a lot.

    1. Problem solved. I was in a rush and switched ground with tip :D It works fine now.

  14. Hi:
    If I want no diodes, do I have to short that part of the circuit or is it enough if I don't install the diodes?
    Thank you!

    1. You can just leave them out. And leave out that 43k resistor and 100n cap on either side of the diodes as well.
