This is a library of perfboard and single-sided PCB effect layouts for guitar and bass. I'm not an electrical engineer by any stretch of the imagination, just a DIY'er who likes drawing layouts. It is meant for the hobbyist (so commercial use of any of these layout is not allowed without permission) and as a way to give back to the online DIY community.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Valve Wizard Flanger

Mixing it up and doing Flanger Friday this week. Got a request for this circuit designed by Valve Wizard. It's unique in that it uses 2, PT2399 delay chips paired with an LFO. It features a buffered bypass, so it's not a true-bypass effect. I've also drawn up daughter boards for the bypass switching (PCB version has the footswitch board mounted). Here's the schematic for reference. You'll definitely need a 1590BB enclosure for this one.


  1. It does have that PT2399 sound somehow, but really cool use of the chip regardless.

  2. My Dual PT2399 Flanger based Wampler Faux Analog Echo + Boss BF-2.
    Valve Wizard Flanger is not a copy

  3. Do you have the schematic for this flanger?

  4. I think that this circuit have a detail in the pin out of the 7805 the configuration is pin one in of voltage pin two is gnd and pin 3 is output of voltage (5v) but in this layout the pin 3 from 7805 is in

  5. Что бы начал работать генератор, необходимо на 2 ногу потенциометра RATE подать через резистор 300-400 Ом напряжение в 5 вольт (от ноги 1 потенциометра Depth)

    1. И вместо конденсатора 100uF в LFO, поставить около 1uF не полярный конденсатор.

    2. So, translating this text with the Google Translator it says that the LFO's 100uF cap should be replaced by a 1uF non-polarized cap.
      And it is necessary to apply a voltage of 5 volts (from the Depth's pot leg 1 o) through a 300-400 Ω resistor to the Rate's pot leg 2.

    3. But why? Thery is not connection like that in oryginal schematic and cap is 100uF.

  6. I do not see rate 1. Only rate 2&3. Where is the position of rate 1 for pot.??

  7. I have build this.. but it does not work well no flange. Just a clean sound.. can anyone help me.??

    1. Harald sabro said

      I initially had problems with the LFO not working properly, but eventually found out that it wasn't getting enough voltage with the series 1N4001 on the power rail. Having sorted this it worked almost flawlessly, but I found there's a sort of vibrato pitch wobble thing happening towards one end of the sweep. This may of course be due to a mistake on my part, but I don't know enough theory to even know where to begin fixing this.

      Anyway, thought I'd share my findings.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I built it and it works!!! :) I added 330ohm resistor between 1 DEPTH leg and 3 RATE leg and it works better with faster LFO rate. I replaced 100uF cap with 1uF N/P cal. I also connected 3rd and 4th legs of both PT2399 together. However it sounds nice, it is not a flanger... It sound like mix of chorus and phaser. I thinh it would be useful for some guitarists who like psychodelic sounds ;)

    1. I made your suggestions and works more better! Thank you!

  10. I built it but no sound comes out, not even without effect. can I use it without the small pcb and a 3pdt?

  11. You never get a jet plane sound with two Pts. You have only two memories of short delay, it is much like a strong chorus. In a real flanger made with BBD, inside the chip is like having a series of very very short memories in a line (each bucket is a memory) and the sound goes like having 512 chorus in line controlled by only one slow oscillator. It is not the same thing varying the time of only one (or two) memory.

  12. Anyone have problems with the rate indicator led?

  13. Link to the schematics doesn't work. Can anyone share please?

  14. Dove posso trovare uno schema di collegamento delle schedine aggiuntive?


  15. I made this device but it didn't work. Where's the problem? Help please.

    1. Harald sabro said

      I initially had problems with the LFO not working properly, but eventually found out that it wasn't getting enough voltage with the series 1N4001 on the power rail. Having sorted this it worked almost flawlessly, but I found there's a sort of vibrato pitch wobble thing happening towards one end of the sweep. This may of course be due to a mistake on my part, but I don't know enough theory to even know where to begin fixing this.

      Anyway, thought I'd share my findings.

  16. I made this using spaghetti instead of wires and it doesn't work. Where's the problem? Help please

  17. Me also having probz with this flanger... cant run the LFO but anyways tnx for new idea .. more power

    1. Harald sabro said

      I initially had problems with the LFO not working properly, but eventually found out that it wasn't getting enough voltage with the series 1N4001 on the power rail. Having sorted this it worked almost flawlessly, but I found there's a sort of vibrato pitch wobble thing happening towards one end of the sweep. This may of course be due to a mistake on my part, but I don't know enough theory to even know where to begin fixing this.

      Anyway, thought I'd share my findings.

  18. Goodmorning to all of you guyz
    I want share my knowledge about the secret of this circuit...
    100% work. Add another 1uf n/p capacitor at j112 pin 1 GATE pin 3 DRAIN... For sure after that you have chorus, delay, and flanger 100% surely work low noise hum maybe 1% noise hehe😁😁😁

    1. Helo! So... this the only modification that is need to get this circuit working?

  19. Hello, can anyone recommend which jfet and transistors can be used for this circuit? Thanks.

  20. I have build this.. but it does not work.. No flange sound..

  21. the link to original schematic its brakedown , pdt: sorry for mi english , i speak spanish , but page is in englis :,c

  22. What type of transistor does this circuit use?

  23. No offense, but the layout doesn't work, and this effect isn't even really a flanger. Somehow I went down the rabbit-hole on this project before I realized. Advice to others: avoid

    1. Before saying it doesn't work, read the comments and make changes.

  24. Hi, I'd love to build one of those, I cant loud the schematic for some reason. Do you still have it? Could you send it to me?
    Have a nice day!!
