This is a library of perfboard and single-sided PCB effect layouts for guitar and bass. I'm not an electrical engineer by any stretch of the imagination, just a DIY'er who likes drawing layouts. It is meant for the hobbyist (so commercial use of any of these layout is not allowed without permission) and as a way to give back to the online DIY community.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Split 'n Blend

Got a request for more blend effects, so let's start with a simple one. You can use this as a daughter board to add a blend control to an existing pedal (or incorporate it into something else you're building), or use it as a stand alone blending pedal. 2N5457 should work just fine for both transistors.


  1. Built using 2n5457. Works very well. Very transparent. Thanks.

  2. please show me some ways to use it!!!
    too newie ...

    1. I've used something like this on a Big Muff before. It allows you to mix in clean tone so that the fuzz isn't too over the top. The Send pad on this layout would go to the In pad and Return pad would go to the Out pad on whatever you're trying to add a clean blend to. You could also use in it's on enclosure and just have 4 jack. Then you could have a loop of effects that you could blend into the rest of your signal chain on your pedal board. Lots of different things you can do with this kind of circuit. Hope that helps!

    2. so this little thing work for everything
      damn, shut up and take my money!!!/format/jpg/quality/85/

      thanks!! from argentina ;)

  3. Send to In (board)
    Return to Out (Board)

    In and Out here is the pad on the board right ?

    so if we add this, there will be two cables from previous board and this new board in one hole pad ?

    please confirm Sir.. thank you

  4. Anyone else still able to hear their wet signal when the pot is turned all the way down? I very quiet, but still audible.

  5. Can I just use this as a splitter? e.g. to add an output for a tuner?

    1. Yep. It should work fine in that application. The out would be the blend 1 pad. Just ignore the pot wiring.

  6. Also could you do a layout for the Boss Blues Driver? I'd like to build one of the modified versions and a transfer layout would be awesome!
    Great bog and fantastic layouts!

  7. What about a wah with blend control? It should ve interesting ir a waste of time?

  8. hi, Can I use this blend with a compressor?

  9. When using it with a overdrive pedal (ROG tube reamer), is it possible to match the output level of the clean signal, right now it works like an attenuation/volume knob.

    1. The output of the overdrive is going to be higher than your clean signal, so when you start blending in clean signal, there's going to be some volume drop. Easiest way to even things out is lower the volume of the overdrive.

    2. Only option I see is connecting blend1 to some kind of booster, as an additional Clean Volume Control

  10. I can't find PCB image for this layout in misc folder. Can you help me?

  11. Replies
    1. but the J201 seems to me, needs to be skewed to work well, that another possible transistor would work ??

    2. Google is your friend...

  12. Just built as a standalone pedal for bass guitar. I'm noticing a drop-off of the bass frequencies when I use it. Is this something to be expected? Would changing cap values help?

    Other than that it's quite the useful pedal. Thanks for the design!

  13. hi guys this blend could be installed u on a clone chorus ce-2, clone demeter compulator, clone electric mistress?

  14. Hi. Will MPF102 work in place of the 2N5457?

  15. Would it works on boss cs3 compressors?
    Because i heard the compressor hated the blend circuits sometime. Thanks.

  16. Could this be used to split the dry signal to two sends? In order to mix two effects for example?

    1. If you need two sends and returns, check out the ROG splitter blend. It even has a phase shifter switch for one channel but three times as big.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I built this pedal today, split mode, with two output, and I want to cross-fade the amount of the outputs, when the first output signal go up, the second go down and viceversa. To do this, I tried to use a dual B100K connected like this:

    - ground -----> log 1 (L)
    - pcb out 1 --> lug 2 (L)
    - out 1 ------> lug 3 (L)

    - out 2 ------> lug 1 (R)
    - pcb out 2 --> lug 2 (R)
    - ground -----> log 3 (R)

    when the pot is on 12 I have a fuller signal, when is full clockwise or full counter-clockwise I notice a loss. Maybe I need to add a recovery stage or a different taper?

  19. I have an horrible pop sound... Amy idea
    I put 1m input n output pulldown resistir

  20. Ive an horrible pop sound, any idea how to eliminate?
    I used 3pdt
    Millenium 2
    Pulldown resistors and nothing helps

  21. I get terrible oscillation with my build of this using 2n5457 jfets. Anyone run into this? I thought it was just because I had them in the wrong orientation, but after fixing that I have the same issue.

  22. I want to use ir without the blend pot.
    I'm want do make a big muff and a lpb1 in parallel and use their volumes to control the mix.
    How can i eliminate the blend knob?

  23. Hi, would this pedal work with line level signals?

  24. Hi, I built this onto my Dyna Comp clone. With the blend pot fully counter-clockwise it's just the clean signal, and with the pot fully clockwise it's just the compressor. As I move the pot to the centre position the signal level drops. Is this anything to do with phase cancellation? How do I correct this? Many thanks for any help 👍

    1. Hi!
      In such case you'd better build this circuit with opamp buffers instead of JFETs, and 'return' buffer should be inverted. You can build it using one TL072

  25. Hi! How should I wire the pot? Sorry. I'm a noob.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.
