This is a library of perfboard and single-sided PCB effect layouts for guitar and bass. I'm not an electrical engineer by any stretch of the imagination, just a DIY'er who likes drawing layouts. It is meant for the hobbyist (so commercial use of any of these layout is not allowed without permission) and as a way to give back to the online DIY community.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Marshall Guv'nor

Here's another layout that needed a refresh/correction. Old layout was pretty trash and had a few errors which have all be resolved. Similar to the Blues Breaker (at least in circuit topography), but with a 3-band EQ and hard clipping. Bit more gain and distortion on tap. Here's the schematic for reference. Should fit nicely in a 1590B.


  1. Thanks man! This pedal is awsome! If you want to hear it in it's finest just list to Gary Moore's Still Got The Blues album. It was entirely recorded with one of these!

  2. Just wanted to say thanks as well. I've built the Guv a few times over the years, but this is nice and compact.
    Glad things got sorted out correctly; I went over the layout several times yesterday and today, comparing it with the factory schematic of the Marshall Guv'nor from the late 80's. This looks good to go and will be putting it my build queue.

  3. This turned out great! I have a late 80’s version and can confirm.
    Call it verified

    Stay safe and healthy!

  4. verified! Made + mode with mosfet clipping! Thanks, David!

  5. sorry for my language, but I'm from Brazil. what happens if i exchange TL072 for tl833

    1. The 833 is a hi-fi chip, so it may sound a little clearer and defined. Everything I've built with an 833 chip has sounded great, so I think you'll like the results.

  6. Saya putus asa buat efek kok gagal terus.gak bakat

    1. buat yg simpel dlu bro, MXR distortion plus contohnya

  7. I'm indonesia.can you tell me that layout
    is work?

  8. hi
    i made this layout today and it's awesome!!!
    but when i turn the gain knob it gets really noisy
    what seems to be the problem?

  9. i built this on a bread board today , this sounds absolutely awesome.

  10. HI! Can i use it like preamp for a portable amp?

  11. The correct treble pot is 10KB in the original 80's pedal

  12. i have problem with this build, at first arround 10 minutes it went normal and great sound
    but suddenly the distortion became so noisy and sound gone, i had no led light when string strummed
    i changed the component for 1k5 become 1k2, 2m2 become 2m and 100pf for 50pf paralled
    is there any solution?

    1. solved, 10nf cap near input jack shorted and has dc leaked
      removed and install new 10nf cap
      thing works fine
      great sound anyway

    2. I still have this issue, can someone give me solution??

  13. Between the 5817 and 680k at the two ends going over the blue lines to the red is a wire which I assume is soldered is this correct.

    1. Yes, that's a jumper. Just use a bit of hookup wire or a cut off lead from a resistor or capacitor.

  14. Hello, I have built this and it works quite well. I want to ask if it should be placed after a cab simulator or before it like an amp sim? Or is this like any other conventional distortion pedal that should be placed before a cab sim? Thank you for this layout btw. This is a blessing.

  15. Built it and it sounds awesome! Changed the 2 clipping LED diodes to 1N4148 diodes and the gain/level cooperation got more dynamic and the distortion got a little bit more aggressive. Recommended and verified.
