
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Cornish SS-3 Soft Sustain

This just got traced by Aion and he was kind enough to share the schematic along with a cool tracing journal on his blog. As to what the SS-3 is, it's like a beefed up Cornish G-2, which is his take on the Distortion+. The original uses 2, single op amps, but for the sake of space and simplicity I've used a single dual op amp. It'll be tight, but it should fit in a 1590B. Like all Cornish pedals, it's designed with buffered bypass so the FSw labels on the layout refer to a DPDT footswitch. If wiring for true bypass, ignore those labels (and the 51k and 91Ω resistors at the bottom right corner of the board). But if you want to build it like the original, wire the in/out jacks to the in/out pads, one side of a DPDT footswitch to the FSw pads, and the other side for the on/off LED indicator.


  1. You are merciless to us, David in november!!!.I have to build it!

  2. Verified! i used A50k in sistain but taken in reverse.Comparing with my ss2 =)

  3. Thanks Kevin Vanderkrol of Aion Electronics for tracing this circuit out...

  4. mine is there (forgot to replace bass with sustain):

  5. I am sorry that I am not familiar with the dpdt switch connection with led and how about the in out connection? power supply and the in out from jack?

    1. Check out the General Layout Notes tab for switch numbering and typical offboard wiring. If you're wiring this for buffered bypass like the original, the in and out pads go directly to the in and out jacks. Wire the footswitch pads on the board to the corresponding lugs on the DPDT footswitch and use the other half of the switch for LED on/off indication (wire a 4.7k resistor from +9v to the + of an LED, and the - of the LED to the 4th lug of the footswitch, with the 5th lug connected to ground).

  6. Hi Effects Layout I´m so glad with your site. I´ve built the BE-OD that uses C100K and many others from your site. I started this pedal. But I want to know what´s the difference between C50k and an A50k. I understand that A is audio taper and C stand for logarithmic, and for logarithmic I understand that if I move C50k to the center position it won’t measure 25k it should read 10k more or less. I don’t have C50k but I do have A50k that does exactly what I´ve just described earlier. If you could tell me what does a C50k means at less I would know what to search for. I live in a very difficult country and have to be very creative. Thank you for your awesome site.

    1. The C (reverse log) taper is the opposite of the A (log) taper. Check out this graph.

    2. just use your A50k but with reverse connected.It wil be work correct but turn in another side!

  7. Great. Thank for answering. By looking at the graphic I now realize that I have one of those around. thank for the help.

  8. hello friends! i hope you all are healthy! question: can the 5041 diode be replaced with the nte5146a?

    1. could a 5817 or 5818 be a suitable replacement?

    2. yes, you can take any diode for 1 A carrent. 4001,4003 e.t.c

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thanks man! so i etched 2 boards. got one to work after realizing that i had the ic in upside down. haha. but the 2nd one, i just can't get running. traced it with the audio probe, re-flowed all joints, and eliminated any solder bridges. Tracing it with the probe, it got weird. no sound to any pots, so i tried a fresh 072. no dice...
      TL072 voltages:
      1. 4.45
      2. 4.44
      3. 4.23
      4. 0
      5. 4.39
      6. 1.28
      7. 8.25
      8. 8.91

      BC549 voltages:
      E. 4.75
      B. 5.26
      C. 9.27

      any insight is greatly appreciated!

  9. you know, i like my ss2 more than ss3!
