
Monday, May 22, 2017

EarthQuaker Devices Talons

A while ago I laid this out for board mount 9mm pots at the request of someone on FSB. Always intended to modify that original layout for use with more common 16mm pots. Turns out it was easier to just lay it out fresh. Anyway, the Talons is a very versatile OD with an active 3-band EQ, and can run off +9v or +18v power supplies.


  1. hey, just noticed that the pull down resistor on the input is 3k3 ohm, probs a typo with 3M3?
    Great work as always for the layout!

    1. Haha, yep that's a typo. Should definitely be M.

    2. Thought it was supposed to be between 2k2 and 4k7?

    3. You're thinking of the CLR for the LED. Input pull down resistor ms are anywhere from 1-10M.

  2. Do you have a schematic for this per chance?

  3. ..and even in a smaller board.. you're a genius!
    May I say "an improved Guv'nor"?

    1. You could. Though the 2 are pretty different... Soft clipping in the Talons vs hard in the Guv'nor, different EQ sections...

  4. Built. I also built the 9mm one a year ago. It sounds great with a powerful EQ. Now to build an 18v!

  5. I cant figure this out. Hopefully someone can help me. I built this per the layout above. I get some guitar signal thru (tiny amount) but also have a loud steady buzz - like a police siren that doesn't oscillate. I found that I have almost 5vdc on all of my pots, which doesn't seems right. I have had the magnifying glass out, and even etched around traces with my dremel - can't find an issue. Tried different chips and chip types, but the problem persists. I'm not an electronics wizard, so I'm confused, but it sounds like voltage coming thru the circuit to me. I don't have a 3.3M resistor in play anywhere. Is that my problem?

  6. I swapped in the 3.3m but that didn’t help matters

  7. Hey!
    I built this, I just need potmeters and switch to try it out.
    What type of switch should I get?
    Also, I saw the comment about a 3M3 resistor. Which one is it? The one next to the LEDs?

    1. Yeah, the one coming off the In pad. As far as a switch goes, a 3PDT is probably the easiest for wiring true-bypass. But there are a bunch of other ways to do it too... Google's your friend there.

  8. One of the best pedals i have ever made, thanks bro.

  9. Would be possible turn it from soft clipping to hard clipping?
