
Friday, May 19, 2017

Crazy Tube Circuits Starlight

Here's the Starlight fuzz from Crazy Tube Circuits for Fuzz Friday. Much like the Ziggy Overdrive from Crazy Tube, it's a string of FET stages in a row, only with a lot more them (and also some MOSFETs as diodes thrown in). It's laid out for board mounted pots and designed to fit in a 125B with top mounted jacks.


  1. What the what? 9 transistors?!

  2. Ha! Now you are just getting expensive!

  3. Ok the layout works! I first tried some j201s but I think I might have a few bad ones, didn't really sound all that great. So I tried some PF5102s and adjusted the trimmers to taste.. sounds pretty good! It's late so I couldn't really put it through all the paces but it does go from drive to distortion to fuzz. I also tried both 2n7000 and bs170, didn't notice too much difference. Note the pinout of a bs170 is reversed, but I believe these are clippers so not sure it matters. Will give it another go when I have more time.

    1. Thanks for verifying Ralf! Yes, the MOSFETs are clippers, but it does matter what their orientation is.

  4. What does the "5K" potentiometer???

  5. Thanks, I have another question, the potentiometers where they are connected?

    Note: My english is not good.

    1. They're connected to the empty pads on the layout. If you look at the perf side and use the letter/number coordinates, Gain is at L2,4,6 Tone at D9,11,13 and Volume at L16,18,20. You can either use right angle pcb mount pots or use hookup wire.

    2. perfect!! , thank you very much.
