
Friday, July 27, 2018

Soil Slinger and NEWS!

It's a special Fuzz Friday! My fabricated boards came in for the Dirt Transmitter, and I finally got the chance to verify them. So I made a video of the whole build process!

Also, what's more exciting than the build video is the launch of the new Effects Layouts store! It's kind of a soft launch for now, as there aren't a whole ton of boards up yet. But more are coming! Also, aside from a few boards, stock is rather low on the boards as they're left over prototypes. But I will be ordering more soon. Don't worry, perf and etch layouts aren't stopping anytime soon. Thanks to everyone for their support over the years and for helping to create a really great international community around this great hobby.


    The boards look great.
    Thanks for all the sonic inspiration you've provided over the years. I just built up your layout of the JTM, looking at other layouts. Wishing you great success with the store.

  2. Good luck I hope the store takes off, you deserve some success in lieu of all you've done for the diy community.

  3. Go for it! Nice PCBs! I'll support you! I also like your Youtube channel!

  4. Well done man this is so cool.

  5. this is great, where I can creat my user to buy? I didn't see it

    1. Up at the top of the store page click on "My account" and you can create an account there.

    2. I did it, but only option available is Log in not creat one, I tried on Chrome and Firefox.

    3. Oh duh. You don't need a log in. Just add to cart and pay through paypal. Sorry! haha

  6. Congratulation for the shop !
