
Friday, July 15, 2016

Ampeg Scrambler

It's Fuzz Friday time again, and this week I give you the Ampeg Scrambler. This one's a pretty rare one, even back when it was originally made in the late 60s. It's a pretty crazy octave fuzz with a clean blend. Originals used 2N5306 for Q1, 3, and 4, and a BC169 for Q2, but those could be difficult to source, and it works fine with modern equivalents (mind the pinouts if using original transistors). If you want to add a master volume control, use a 100k pot (adjust to taste) and wire lug 3 to the Out pad of the board. Lug 2 is now your output, and lug 1 goes to ground. This sounds pretty cool on bass as well as guitar.


  1. Replies
    1. google?

    2. excuse question. this functional layout?

    3. excuse question. this functional layout?

  2. Not is working for me :/ Only a buzz sound on the amplifier.

  3. I got 9v measures on the pot pads. Seems i have a short, no? But i checked my board for 4 times and not found the short '-'

    1. Yeah, I would think something's shorting. Could be a bad component somewhere

    2. I think it is not the problem, all my components are new. I already did some tests and could not find the problem right now. This layout is checked? Thank you a lot.

  4. Layout checked! Working fine! The mistake was mine, i wired wrong the transistors (I used 1n5302 instead the MPSA14, so i forget to change the terminals... But now all is working fine. I had a trouble on the texture pot. It was not working, but i found a way. I removed the pot and jumped the terminal 2 and 1. Removed the 8k2 resistor and wired up a A500k potentiometer with a 1k resistor in series with his terminal 1. Working very fine the effect, i liked a lot. :)

    Let me know any questions.

    1. Giovanny it cant work for me and i Did all your modifications
      Any advise?

  5. Anyone knows if this pedal works?

  6. Worked fine at first try!
    Add some good dirt to your bass.

    BC517 instead of MSPA14,
    2N3904 instead of 2N5088.
    Sounds great.

  7. mine work excelent too! Used:MSPA14, 2N5088.

  8. Hi, I did it and it works really well.
    My question is if you can change the C1(10n) to a higher value to increase the bass?
    What value do you recommend?
