
Friday, May 27, 2016

Electro Harmonix Big Muff - 1590a

Let's wrap up this 1590a week with one of the mightiest fuzzes of all time–the Big Muff. For this one, I've labeled all the components to correspond with the component names on Kit Rae schematics, so find an EHX version on there and populate the board accordingly. This probably won't work for some of the more modified, non-EHX Muffs, just fair warning. Polarity protection and power filtering have been added, as has a pull down resistor at in put. It's labeled as "PDR" on the layout and would typically be 1-2M. The resistor labeled "CLR" is the current limiting resistor for the LED, and can be anything from 2.2k to 10k.


  1. How to fit tone wicker in this?

  2. can you tell em 1-4 Hfe and Vcc by chance? I am guessing 4-5v?

  3. I got it working,i was missing an electro cap. I am using 2n5088's and jdsleeps values for the green russian

  4. Replies
    1. Read the post, man. Specifically the last couple sentences. ;)

  5. This isn't applicable to the OP amp version,right? Just the old standard lines.

  6. Hi forgive me for my ignorance, i can't find the Schematic on a link that you provided,

    1. Just scroll down. There's like 20 schematics on that page, plus 3 following pages with more schems.

    2. I found V9 "NYC REISSUE" BIG MUFF placed on 4th pages, and this is the only diagram that has word "Electro hamonix" :D i hope this might be right hahaha

  7. Kindly give the value of parts. Thanks.

  8. What program do you use to make these designs? I want to be able to rtch boards at home.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It worked, but the distortion is weak and there is an oscillating sound like Fuzz Factory when the tone knob is turned down. What is the problem?
