
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Fortin 33

This one's a monster of a boost. Runs off ~36 volts, which is converted internally from a 9v supply (don't try and run it off a 12 or 18v supply or things will fry). Also make sure your electrolytic caps are rated at 50v for this one. Schematic found here. Forgot to put it in the notes, but the Out is from Volume 2.


  1. Ian Rider for sure will steal this layout and sell pedals as his own.

    1. Can you give me a backstory on this? I saw that guy online and realised that all of his pedals are available on this site, but I've thought it was only a coincidence

    2. Steal? I have David's permission for using them. He can confirm that. Stop commenting things that you know nothing about. ;)

  2. This is HUGE!!! Thanks a lot for layout)

  3. Can I replace IC2 on MAX1044 or TC7660CPA ?

    1. Yes you can but they could generate high frequeancy noise.

    2. If you use TC7660SCPA, you will be able to avoid the noise.

  4. Is there someone who tried to make it?

  5. I was actually waiting for this for a while! Thanks!

  6. Built it, works as advertised. Consider it verified.

  7. Leg output 2 potenceometer?

  8. Hello. Where is the transfer library? I can`t see Fortin folder. Can U help me?

  9. Done built. I like this killer tone. Thank you for sharing, as always.

  10. Just builded it and works as advertised. I'm using it with my 8 string and so far very happy. I used the MAX1044 without any HF noise so if you can't get the TC1044SCPA go for the MAX. Also I couldn't find the BC550 so I went with the 2N2222, no problem.

    Thanks for your work!

  11. Built it, and although it worked I kept get a constant clicking noise. connected pin 6 and 8 of IC2 ... clicking stopped and it now works great. Have no idea why
    PS tried both MAX1044 and MAX1044SCPA same result.

    1. I had the same behavior as you. I had misconfigured the power supply and was supplying 15V.
      When I supplied 9V, it worked fine.
      I did not connect anything.

  12. Hola, el pedal original tiene un interruptor de conmutación, ese dónde iría?

  13. I set up several circuits on this site and they all worked. Except this one. The output sound comes out extremely weak, and I need to play the strings very hard for any sound to come out. It is as if there was a noise gate pedal connected at maximum, closing the signal. I replaced the tc1044scpa with an ICL7660, I thought it would work. But anyway, it didn't work. Any idea? I've already reviewed everything and cleaned the tracks, and nothing so far.

    1. I've just built this and am testing it at the moment. used 7660acpa and have the same issue. also what i have is some sort of clicking/popping sound every couple seconds or so. not sure if the 7660 is the issue as i've seen comments (in tagboardlayouts) that 7660 was used and no problems were there. anyways I'm stuck!? :D

    2. I used this ( Is a CPA 7660S P522CNH. But strangely, there was an interruption in the TL071. It seemed that the problem was him. But not. I changed and it was no use. I don't know what to do. I cleaned it again and overhauled the entire circuit. Now there is no sound. What is the color difference of the capacitors in the layout? There are greens and gray, slightly larger.

    3. I don't know what to do aswell... will probably have to wait for the 1054's to arrive or buy a 1044scpa.

      About the colors in the capacitors i don't think they should make a huge difference (the circuit should still work as long as the caps are the correct value)

    4. I will wait for you to finish yours to see if it worked. I have no way to get other components to exchange. if yours works don't forget to share. It would be a great help. but for now thanks for trying to help.

    5. Hello again. so I did some digging/reading datasheets and I understand why mine doesn't work. mine is 7660acpaz (forgot the z before) and well it doesn't have the "boost" feature that is in the "S" line of these voltage converters (@pin 1) (7660S, 1044SCPA etc...) the one you've shown in the link doesn't have the "S" at the end and I couldn't find anything in google under the name 7660S P522CNH so if you are certain that you were using a 7660(with an S) then I don't know how to help you :-D I have ordered some LT1054CN8's from eBay, but now after checking the datasheets it might not be suitable for the fortin pedal aswell... (pin 1 has feedback voltage/shutdown function and not boost)

    6. In fact, what I got has the "S" at the end. I found images of the two, this 7660S and the tc1044scpa. I understood that they work the same way. Perhaps some components are defective. Thanks for your help.

    7. apologies on that. yeah, yours seems like it should be fit to do the job. sorry, man can't help you. do let me know if you get it up working tho =D

    8. Hey! I recently discovered that I had a whole package of faulty tl071's which took me quite some time to figure out honestly. Put in a new tl071cp and the same 7660acpaz (still waiting for other ic's to arrive) and it works. sounds kind of retarded, but I can get a decent distorted tone with 1 (of 10) on the gain knob of the amp (almost max on 33 then). I do get a charge pump "whine" at higher gain settings on the amp or 33 circuit, there is some playable space tho for tinkering around, however, I am way more impressed with the TC electronics Integrated Preamp as you can alter the tone more.

      My point being: you should be able to still have it working with your chip, have you checked the circuit thoroughly?

      Cheers :P

    9. Another update. Received my lt1054cn8's today and gave one of them a shot in the circuit (also placed a ua741cp somewhy instead of the tl071) and it works (I didn't connect the 1st pin of the pump ic to anything). If I'm not mistaken the lt1054 is less noisy than the 7660acpaz. I am using the Fortin circuit at almost a maximum, but do tinker with the gain on the amp, some pretty tight sounds can be achieved with half of the amp gain lol.

      Anyways, someone correct me if I'm wrong the circuit should still work without the full boost (of ~36v as stated in the description above by the author) even if your charge pump outputs less voltage.

      Cheers :P glad to get this working, but this is still pretty muddy compared to the tc electronics integrated preamp. However, it's a pretty cool circuit. Thanks to the author!

    10. Hello. Thanks for the information. I actually moved the components of the circuit connected to the power, and I realized that moving the tl071 generates some noise, as if it was badly connected. I then believe that it is as defective as yours was. I will try to replace it then, or test the ua741. I will make the changes you have made. thank you friend

    11. Alright. let me know how it goes. Today I got the 7660SCPA chips in the mail and they seem to be giving 26+ volts (have only checked the transistor voltages so far). There is a "whine" when the circuit is on, but other than that this thing is ridiculous. drives the clean channel at minimum gain :-D I'll give 1044SCPA's a try in the future.

      Good luck with your build :P

    12. Hey guys, I made the tagboardeffects version and I'm having the same problem, I'm checking that both circuits are the same, and I'll try a new TL071 and see if I can get it working, I have also tracked all my voltage and they seem in check but the sound is like there's a noise gate full on as well.

      thanks for than info good reading!

    13. So if it's of any interest, I have fixed my issue, it was the 1uF cap causing troubles, came like that from factory, changed that and it is all glorious now!

    14. alright. cool. have revisited this pedal after a while and im having trouble liking it again for some reason. what voltage chip have you used in your build? as now im getting some noise

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Replies
    1. Not with this layout, no. The TL072 is a dual opamp and you need the single TL071.

  16. Ok so I believe I triple checked everything. Built mine according to the bom (except for the 100uf being 35v and not 50v and a 1n5819 instead of 1n5817) and even though there's absolutely no signal coming through turning it on or off, the led lights up and you can hear the hiss getting stronger as you max the pot. I could say that the circuit behaves as if I had the guitar vol knob all the way down to zero.
    Any advice fellas?

  17. So lets say I ran my Fortin Grind pedal at 12 V and now it's dead. What components need to be replaced? Thanks!
