
Friday, September 6, 2019

Fulltone Ultimate Octave

Happy Fuzz Friday everyone! Had a request for this one. It's basically a Foxx Tone Machine with some value changes and a couple additions, namely a switch to shift the range of the tone control and the octave switch is a footswitch. Here's the schematic for reference.


  1. would 1n60 diodes fit this project? I have plenty available here

  2. Thanks for the layout, will need to build and verify.
    One question: will SPDT footswitch be enough for Octave? From what I understand, there is nothing by bypass or select here, and this switch only utilizes one contact group to conntect or disconnect Oct1 and Oct2 pads, right?
    Thanks in advance!

    1. A SPDT footswitch will be fine, but use a DPDT if you want to include an on/off LED. Use one side for the octave and the other for the LED.

    2. that's what i used but there's no octave effect happening on my build. i've checked, re-checked and triple checked my build but to no avail.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I have almost same problem, but a bit different, i managed to build this stompbox, and i noticed that "octave" and "specific fuzz sound" appear if strike strings really hard, so here is the question, can it be slved with some entrance resistor, or it it is transistors's high treshold, i can hear the octave effect for several seconds and then it disappers.

  3. Hi! What about Ehx multiplexer for Friday fuzz?

  4. Higher resolution schematic please :-)

  5. How do you do the offboard wiring in this pedal?

  6. After some digging, I tracked down a higher quality schematic image.
    I'll start the build once time permits me in a few days; For now though, can anyone confirm this build? Hopefully the schem will help the cause.

  7. Hi, build this circuit but it doesn't respond

  8. Hi, build this circuit but it doesn't respond

    1. What transistor u use ?
      Cause 2N series and BC series is different pinout, just rotation 180 degree, base is same position but Emitor and collector is baxkward position.. it may can help u

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. finally got everything working properly.

  12. Hello!

    I just finished this project a couple of weeks ago, the effect didn't work at the first launch.

    After a couple of weeks waiting for various transistors to do trial and error thinking that this would be the failure, I find myself exactly the same as at the beginning.

    When I turn on the effect, the guitar signal is heard very little, I have to raise the volume and gain potentiometer to the maximum so that the guitar is heard and the signal is almost clean without effect, the flat and octave control work and the controls tone volume and gain too.

    I'm stuck, any help will be welcome.

    thank you

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Additional note:

      Right now I have the effect connected directly, without a foot switch or power LEDs.

      Jack input - output and power supply 9v Direct negative center.

  13. Worked! But i have a question, when the pedal is active and no strings pulled from the bass , there is a high pitched noise like " a banshee"( i dont know how i can describe, haha). This is normal and how could I reduce or eliminate it? (Looks like begins from the Q3 (C)ollector and is greater in Q4 (C)ollector)
