
Friday, August 23, 2019

Prescription Electronics Clean Octave Blend

Got a request for this one for Fuzz Friday. Originals fetch crazy prices online. It's an octave fuzz with a clean blend. If you want a fabricated version of this, check out the Corn Cobb on the store.. Schematic over on FSB. Should squeeze nicely in a 1590B.


  1. Please check if Blend knob is connected properly

    1. It follows the lug numbering of the traced schematic.

  2. It works. But Octave pot works weird. It regulates well just in last 30% of turn but also makes the sound louder. perhaps should experiment with values and type of the pot.

  3. Nice to meet you from Japan
    My name is murowani and I'm DIY effector.
    Prescription Electronics Experience
    I want the layout of. Not anywhere.

  4. 1) The Octave pot should be reverse log ("C" taper) to provide a smooth change in intensity as you rotate clockwise.

    2) The two 1N4001 diodes should be fairly close in forward voltage for best octaving. Let's say within 10-20mv of each other.

    3) A secondary non-octave mode can be obtained by cutting the trace connecting the 1N4001 diode that takes its feed from the emitter of Q4. That nice long trace allows for drilling a small hole on each side of the cut, to connect wires to a toggle or footswitch. Both the Foxx TOne Machine and Fulltone Ultimate Octave select between octave and regular at-pitch fuzz by connecting and disconnecting that diode. That's all their respective "Octave" footswitches do. And it can be done with the COB as well. I did it to mine and it's worth doing.
