
Thursday, August 29, 2019

OKKO Diablo+

The Diablo is a modified BSIAB circuit and the Diablo+ version has an added boost at the output that's independent from the main overdrive circuit. I've laid it out for a 125B with top mounted jacks for a nice small footprint. Originals have a switch to run at 9 or 18 volts which I've left off-board so builders can choose their preferred voltage doubling method. Trim pots are extra controls, not for biasing, FYI.


  1. Excellent.
    I was waiting for him for a long time
    Thank you

  2. Verified!I was bored, did not solder for a long time any pedals! Nice pedal, you get separate booster, over & both together! Just using 2 3PDT. Thanks, David, great work! I even boxed it!
    There is

  3. So i have this one often using pedal! I realy like it!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It's work... But how to connect in+ and out+...???

  6. Im from argentina, i made this few years, those days i find another pcb, my problem was, when i put full gain sound cool but at the end i could heard a noise. solution : change diferets fets j201, j201, 2n5457, j201, 2n5457. with the boos stage dont have trouble.

    1. Grande Dedalo!. Here also from Argentina... So let's continue in English so it is understood by all. What you suggest to avoid noise at maximum gain is to replace the Q3 and Q5 fets with 2N5457? Thanks
