
Friday, January 25, 2019

BJF Fuzz 109

Here's an interesting Fuzz Face variation designed by Bjorn for Fuzz Friday. Here's the schematic for reference. It can also be purchased as a kit from Moody Sounds out of Sweden. Should be an easy fit in a 1590B.


  1. Awesome, I was interested in trying this one! If you get around to it, would be great to have a layout for the Bonebender II also. I built the Bonebender 1 and it is pretty nice.

  2. I tried to build it but there is a problem. The sound that comes out is very very low, almost inaudible. Any suggestions?

    1. Your transistors are probably unbiased. Adjust the 500k trim pot till it sounds right, and if that doesn't work, you may need to adjust the value of the 10k resistors from +9v to the collector of Q2.

    2. I try adjust bias without result. Next step is change value of the resistor.

    3. try till 3,6k resistor value without result A litte increase of volume output and sound very muddy.

  3. I take a look at schematic and component at Moody website and report a 220 nf (?) electrolytic polarized condensator instead the 220 nf non electrolytic in your schematics. Maybe is this the error? Electrolytic 220 mf can be the right one?

    1. Their schematic and parts list calls for 220nF electrolytic. This is kind of an odd value for an electrolytic, so I replaced with a 220nF film capacitor, since most people are more likely to have that in their parts stash than the 220nF electrolytic. The value is correct though and the type of capacitor shouldn't have any influence on the functionality of the circuit.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. in fact, seeing the value too low for an electrolytic I thought this was the error :-)

  5. Verified.
    Sounds like a fuzz face.

    I didn't have a C5k pot for the gain control, so I tried a B5k and then a B2k. Both of them sounded muffled when not set high, similar to the standard fuzz face gain control. I then tried a C1K pot, which sounds good throughout its range and has a nice taper.

    I guess the saturation pot is supposed to help with impedance matching with other effects or buffers in front. As far as controlling the sound of the pedal, I think a pre-gain pot would be better.
