
Thursday, April 5, 2018

TC Electronic Integrated Preamp

Here's a loud one for you (I am not responsible for any blown speakers that may happen as a result of you building this thing! haha)! It's a popular preamp and used as a booster by the metal band Meshuggah. It apparently sounds best run at 18v. I didn't include an onboard charge pump since I know a lot of you prefer different methods for that. Should be plenty of room in a 1590B for a daughter board with your preferred charge pump. Schematic can be found here.


  1. You always amazing. Nice layout
    Can put in 1590A with offboard.

    Btw, you have schemo for Fredrik Thordendal mods?

  2. great layout!
    is this something like a boss fa1?
    i will try tonight


  3. works great!
    i used b50k potis for the tone controls, and bc547c for the trannies!
    a little agressive highs, but i have to try it in the studio.
    many thanks again!
    ( it,s always a pleasure to build one of your layouts!)

    greetings from austria

    1. Thanks man! (And yes, it's similar to a FA1, but super loud haha)

  4. you,re right " pretty loud" ( even a low cost strat with the cheapest chinese pickups drives your amp insane) hi hi hi

    one question:
    did anybody a single sided pcb layout for the "tiny little giant amp"???
    ( i could buy a double side pcb but i like to do it by myself )

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So I tried to make this and it's not working and I'm really not sure why sadly. Done alot of diagnosing and I realized there were a couple things I forgot to ground, but I fixed that and it still doesn't work sadly. I wish I got a pcb so then it would've been so much easier but yeah :(

  7. I made it but it has lot of noise. Run with 9v

  8. Thank you for the great layout! I really appreciate bringing these old discontinued pedals back.

    I'm really not that great at perf boards or etching pcb but I plan on using a cnc to make a pcb of this circuit.

    Can I find a DIYLC or Eagle file of any sort somewhere?

    Thanks again

    1. No, but you should be able to pull the transfer image into Easel or something similar and create some g-code from there.

  9. Can I use this for bass? Maybe change some value?

    1. Yes, it can be used for Bass. Maybe it is good to recalculate all low pass filters. Maybe it is good to change the frequencies of the tone controls.

  10. I feel there is an error re the 1M resistor at base of Q1. I feel that the correct wiring is that the other end of 1M resistor attached to base of Q1 that currently wrongly shows as connected to ground is actually connected to Vcc only when there is no input jack inserted in the pedal.

    Then the Q1 acts like a mute switch.

  11. What voltage would the capacitors be?

  12. I've used 25volts as the thing is 18volts.Asking for trouble using less.

  13. So this works, very loud, the only issue I have is slight oscillation noise.

  14. Replies
    1. I tried 9 volts and didn't work very well. 18 volts is definitely better although make sure your electrolytic caps are rated accordingly.

  15. Has anyone have any transistor voltage readings? The lower transistor readings appear to be poor. It works but oscillation is annoying.

  16. Can you use 1N4007 for the diodes? I'm out of 1N4818

  17. Which voltage value for capacitors ?

  18. Breadboarded it and its must for chug!
