
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Vertex Steel String

Here's a relatively new effect from Vertex–the Steel String Clean Drive. It's supposed to sound like a Dumble amp and is 2 muamps going into a BMP tone stack. Schematic can be found here.

More progress with the tutorial. Actually wrapping up the DIYLC portion before moving onto the Photoshop bits.


  1. Hell yeah, a simple Dumble style OD! Awesome

  2. Tag it and bag it, this one is verified. Awesome pedal.

  3. Will this work of the bat without being able to trim the transistor drain voltage? and how does one know which type of transistors and capacitors to use?

    1. Because the transistors are in a muamp set up they should work without biasing. If it doesn't work, it's probably more likely an error elsewhere in the build, or transistors that are really out of spec. Transistors are J201s and caps are whatever your preference is.

  4. thanks for this great laout!
    my build sounds great, has plenty of output volume, but is has really less gain!
    do you think itś possible to increase gain? ( instead of a booster in front of it)

    (sorry for my awful englisch, i am from austria! holaredulieh!!)
    best greetings

    ps: can hardly wait until the next layout is posted !!!

    1. Hello my dear friend
      this pedal is designed for little gain, you can see in the reviews that the manufacturer advertises on youtube. It is a transparent overdrive simulating the valve amplifiers.

  5. Hi same problems for me more gain will be perfect

  6. very plentiful of volume but little gain

  7. I would like to know if you have how to make the layout available

  8. For more gain you can decrease the 10k source resistors

    1. which one exactly .sorry i'am new to this whole thing

  9. Beautiful layout! Would love to know what's under the hood of the ultraphonix in a form of a layout around here! ;)

  10. Puedo sustituir los j201 por 5457? qué tipo de modificación adicional se le debería hacer al circuito ?

  11. Hi everybody! I'm new here. Has anyone tried to build this pedal using another transistor than the J201? MPF102 maybe? I know MPF102 gain is lower than J201, but, would it work? Can someone help me?

    1. The MPF102 might work. Definitely use sockets in case they don't. If it were me, I would go with MMBFJ201s (SMD package) and converter boards.

  12. lo arme tal cual es layout y en mi caso tiene bastante MAS ganancia que el original.. en algun lado cometi un error me parece... use J201

    1. hola, me pasó lo mismo, y fue porque puse un condensador de 0,1 uf en vez del de 68nf que está paralelo al diodo, pero lo cambié y quedó bien

  13. Hello! The Filter knob will not work like this. I followed up on this subject on a different forum where amateurs like us prefer to use tagboards. Let me share with you my conclusion.

    1. 2n2 and 22n are misplaced. What is 2n2 above should be the bigger value. and 22 should be the smaller. About the exact value please se the 3rd point.

    If you execute this change the filter will work somehow, but not exactly as it should. Further modifications can be done.

    2. Changing the 10k resitor to 100k that comes from the 1uF capacitor to the filter lug 1 and changing the filter pot to 500k (I used B500K, but perhaps A500K is better) will help you further to make it sound good.

    3. Playing a little with the capacitor values changes the overal sound a lot. 3n9 and 10n is reported to sound like the stock, but I can not affirm this. 10n and 22n is what I used, it sounds lika a Twin.

    Making these modifications might result in a drop in the overal output volume, but there is still plenty.

  14. I did this, the gain knob works as a second output
