
Thursday, February 15, 2018

MultiCab Sim

Got a request for this one, designed by Daniel Schwartz. Seems to be a pretty versatile cabinet simulator. Might be handy to throw this in the same box as the Mini Amp from earlier this week. More info, schematic, etc here on DIYSB.

Also the next episode of the DIYLC tutorial is up on YouTube. Forgot to plug it in the post from Tuesday.


  1. My request !! you really make me feel so happy . i promise to verified very soon. Thanks again ! .

  2. I really like your videos. Thank you, I hope you continue to do so!

  3. Verified! Another great cab simulator!

  4. Hi! I love your website :)
    I'm a newbne so I have a question: if i make 1 W Amp or The Ruby Amp and i would like to throw it in the same box with The MultiCab Sim, which one should be first in the circuit? An Amp?

  5. Ohh.. Ill try. I have a problem with Ruby (I hear noise only), but 1 Watt works fine for me. Ill find a failure and make some comparison with amps. Thanks!

  6. Hello,

    I have a problem,
    loud click when the pedal is turned on

    what can be done about this??
    Thank you

    1. Try adding a pulldown resistor from input to ground (1M).

  7. After the third attempt I still don't know what I do wrong. It doesn't work for me. I checked all components. Could someone help me? Please.

    1. I just finished it. It works. I put at the end of my chain before power amp and it sing nicely.
      From my experience, mostly my circuit doesn't work because few tiny cold solder drop between lines and accidentally connect those lines. Usually after I finished polulating a board, I take a razor and run the tip through gaps between lines and brush it with toothbrush. Work as clean as you can and be patient. If the layout marked 'verified', mostly you will succeed with careful build.

  8. hi everybody!
    is there anything that i should care for, if i would combine this cab sim with the "active guitar di box" from this site?
    i,m trying to build something like a "ultra red box deluxe!" for example: do i need two gain controls? ( maby i can replace one pot with a fixed value.....)

    greetings from austria
    ps: did anybody the boss keely ds1?, ( mine will not work at all)

  9. Hello,
    Any idea If this box will work If I Connect it to send output or line out ( preamp) from my combo? Thanks

  10. where is the transfer image for this multicab sim?

  11. Hello storyboardist.. i want to put this multicab sim in an empty boss enclosure but i dont know how to make it work because the boss fx is not a true bypass.. can you do me a favor to do a layout for everyone of us diy'er the jfet switching with input and output buffer of the boss pedal fx? it will be great and addition to our pedalboard.. more power and godbless. from the philippines.. ��

    1. You might be the only person to ever request Boss' flip flop bypass. It's generally integrated into the effect circuit that makes it hard for a stand alone board. You're probably better off doing a relay bypass like the Incandenza.

  12. Replies
    1. It's a very different (and arguably better) method of bypass, with soft touch/no click. It uses a normally open momentary switch to activate, but I can't remember off the top of my head if the little tactile switch Boss uses is normally open or normally closed. That's one for Google.

  13. Hello, I would like to ask ... What is the function of Bottom, top and flat control?
    Could I plug this circuit into a sound table in my church?

    1. Those are EQ controls essentially. And yes, with a direct box it could go straight to a mixer.

    2. can I use a direct box circuit that is here on your site?

  14. Sorry for the ignorance, but does this pedal produce a clean sound? no longer a dirty channel emulator?

    1. No worries. This circuit is emulating the sound of a speaker cabinet. By itself is shouldn't produce any distortion. That's left to whatever overdrive or preamp pedals your running in front of this.

  15. Good evening, my friends, I need one of these to connect the guitar directly to the line (sound desk). Does it work well for me? Thank you and congratulations for the projects.

  16. hi. what is 1uf. ?? so big.. polaritation or non polaritation. help please..

  17. Hello... has anyone experimented with different ICs?... which IC does this spikersim sound best?

  18. as far as I'm concerned, I like it best with the 4558.

  19. Has anybody tried this on bass? Thanks


  20. Hello, I have already seen many times that this circuit has a POP problem, when activating and deactivating it sounds very hard in my amplifier, if you can solve it I would appreciate it.

    1. Try adding a 1M resistor between the input pad and ground.

    2. Hi! Can I add a resistor to the input Jack? Or do I need to place it on the Board?

  21. I've made it and it works,, it's just a big buzzing sound, and a screaming sound when the input is not connected,, is it because I'm using TR 945 and IC 4558??

  22. why I hear radio noise? everything work nice

  23. I build the cabinet simulator, but i have no sound before the transistor stage. i would like to know what are the volts reading from transistor to understand better where is my problem.
