
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Earthquaker Devices Disaster Transport Jr.

Here's EQD's take on PT2399 delay. The most unique thing about it probably the use of a Big Muff-like tone stack. It will definitely fit best in a 125B with the board mounted pots, but if you use long leg board mounted pots and populate them from the component side it should fit in a 1590B. Schematic can be found here.


  1. What is the transistor on this?

    1. there are no transistors only an AVR Ic 78l05 or lm7805

    2. bad! I was reading it upside down. Thank you!

  2. No encuentro el esquema... en la pagina de arriba no aparece la imagen, y google no me ayuda...


  3. It`s verified :) Sound like a cloud in the sky. 10K on repeats like me more ;)

    1. thanks for the tip bro :D you saved my hours for debugging :)

  4. Hi! Maybe you can do A layout for Madbean's Zero point SDX2? Great stuff I guess!!

  5. alguem pode me ajudar? o efeito se repete somente uma vez, mesmo girando o pot repeats

  6. problem...only one repeat! help!

    1. Verifica los potenciómetros... En especial el de repeticiones.

    2. Have you tried swapping out the PT2399? They can be very inconsistent.

  7. Verifiquei todos os potenciometros e estão funcionando bem, troquei o de repretição por 10kb, mas não funcionou, continuou repetindo uma só vez. Resolvi fazer o deep blue delay, termino ele amanhã. Tomara que este funcione. Obrigado Rojas

  8. Can I replace the 5817 by any 400x?

  9. La resistencia del tono de 220k debería ser de 22k? Puedo guiarme con los valores de BMP Tone stack?

  10. Can I use a a 78m05 instead of the classical 78l05?

    1. Double check the datasheets, but I think the M stands for medium current vs the L for low current. Don't know if that means it would work or not... The datasheets should answer that question tho.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hello.
    May I use 1n4001 (1n4007) isntead of 1n5817 ?

    1. Yeah it should work. It'll just drop the voltage a little bit more than a 5817 would.

  13. Wont work for me... Sound strange, only hear the repeats, not the source sound...

  14. Verified! Beautiful sounding delay. Tried almost six PT2399 until find the right ones. Thanks for the layout!
    Pic here:

  15. Does the tone knob affect the dry signal too?

  16. Hi, my guitar signal sounds clean, without being affected when the pedal is on, but I hear sounds according to the time pot, varying these sounds' frequency. Any idea of what could be wrong? Thanks

  17. Replies
    1. I hear the clean guitar, and the pt2399 is delaying noise maybe, not the guitar's signal and I hear more or less of these "noise" repeats (like steps) as I vary the time potenciometer. Also I tested continuity between the pin 1 of the TL072, and ground, and my multimeter shows the 970 (more or less) number on the screen. As soon as I take out the Tl072 and test continuity between the socket (without the 072) and ground, it shows no continuity at all. Maybe the tl072 is not working properly but I'm not sure.
      And I'm testing without the 3pdt, cause I don't have one
      Sorry for my english :)

    2. Also, I'm using a 5819 instead of the 5817, but I don't think that the problem is there

    3. Have you gone through your build with an audio probe? It should be able to show where audio signal is going and help you figure out if and where you have a bad component or a short.

    4. My audio stops at the "L" shape track: pin1 tl072-1uF-22k-Lshape(lost audio). No cold joints there

      Also there is no audio at pin 6 of the tl072

    5. If you look at the schematic, those components lead from the input stage to the PT2399 section. I would first check to see if those components are good, and then try and replace your PT2399, as those can be super finicky.

    6. Ok,I'll do that and see what happens, thanks!!

  18. Hi again, I checked everything, changed the 1uF capacitor, the tl072 and the 2399. no changes :( The signal keeps stopping at both 22K and 47K resistors. I don't know much about audio, but could these resistors be killing the signal?

  19. Hey, it works now! Y checked ALL joints, and apparently there is something I didn't see. Thanks for the help and layout!

  20. Glad it works for you !
    The EQD Disaster Transport is a nice (dark sounding) delay.

  21. Hello, I’ve made this delay pedal with «Soft-Latch Relay Switching» and it works, but when I switch it off there’s a pop. Can you help me with this problem?

  22. Hi guys! cant get self-oscillation at max repeat level and even when i lock leg 2 and 3 together. does anybody know how to get it? thanks!

  23. Populated a board and I only have the dry signal passing. I probed different areas on the IC and had audio at Pin 9 (op1 out) and Pin 15 (LPF1 out). The audio path to pin 15 and 16 had audio. There was some signal at the repeats section. Any ideas why it isn't working? I'm also gonna try more PT2399s just in case.

    1. Having the same issue. Same probe results as well. Did you probe the tl072? I got audio at pin 1 and pin 6 but nothing more. The entire bottom audio line going from 7 to all the way to mix 2 and up through to tone 2 is dead. The audio line running from pin 6 has audio and works. Somehow, the mix isn't mixing. pt2399 is good as i can hear all the controls working when I probed the diodes. Weird....

    2. Do you think it could be the orientation of the two 1uf's in that line? Seems odd to me that they would be facing polar opposite in the same audio line. Will switch them around and test.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. test failed. However, when I switche the polarity it put sound on the bottom rail going to pin 7, while shutting out the audio to the pt2399. In position according to layout, pt2399 works, bottom pin 7 row no audio, clean output. really strange issue here

    5. Got it! It was a bad pot for me. If you're having problems with the mix, check the tone and mix pots and all the parts on that middle track that attach to the tone pot. That's where I found my problems.

  24. I need sea matchine chorus thx

  25. The delay works fine, but the pedal picks up radio. Sounds like an AM station judging by the content.
    The radio is not affected by the knobs, and is still audible when I roll the guitar volume to zero.
    Everything is grounded and connected.
    Am I missing something?

  26. I managed to make it work. I checked the circuit. But I didn't feel much difference in the tone pot. I also set up the analog delay wampler and found it much better.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  29. Guys I had a problem with my pedal. It sometimes worked and other not. The problem is on the pot connections. It seems that i burned some tips of the potentiometers while soldering. Be careful. After soldering test the potentiometer with a multimeter to be sure that it is still working good. For easier soldering spray some contact cleaner with oil on the pot before soldering...

    Thank you for the layout. Great sound :D

  30. I am not getting an echo. Using an audio probe I get a signal leaving pin 12 but it stops after the second 10k resistor. I can hear it between the second 10k resistor and the 22nf cap. I hear nothing at pin 13. The 10k tests fine.

  31. Excellent, it sounds very good. It is a delay that does not change the tone of the guitar. It works and I like it.

  32. I etched and populated the circuit board and it works as expected but there are two issues: 1) there's a loud 'pop' when the pedal is switched on and off. 2) when the effect is engaged, there's a change in the overall tone of the clean sound, which sounds like a slight reduction in the high mids, and a drop in level. Other than those issues, it sounds amazing!

  33. hola amigos. tengo un problema, no obtengo señal del efecto. solo señal limpia. llega bien la corriente y señal a todos lados. alguien tuvo ese problema?

    hi everyone, have not effect sign.. only like a booster
