
Friday, January 12, 2018

DBA Octave Clang

For Fuzz Friday here's the Octave Clang from Death By Audio. It's a transformer based octave fuzz utilizing a 741 opamp. Fairly low parts count and should fit in a 1590B.


  1. Hi ! I've just build this one and it works a little, not quite fine but a little... i swapped the 741 for a TL071, I haven't got sound going out the 741. Maybe the ge diodes burned, i do it 2 times with the veroboard layout (no sound at all on the out of 741/TL072) and a 3rd with the perfboard, and now, i have sound but only when the tone pot is turned full ccw, after that the sound goes far away...

  2. Just built an octave clang from a pcb, and running into something similar. Anyone build one of these and get it working? I get almost nothing unless the tone is at 90% or higher. It sounds messed up in general
