
Friday, July 7, 2017

Höfner Buzz Tone

Pretty unique fuzz box from Höfner for Fuzz Friday. Pretty straight forward 3-transistor design that should make for a pretty easy build. Board mounted pots for less off-board wiring and if you want a bit more gain, replace the 47uF input cap on the left side of the board with a 22uF cap. Here's the schematic for reference.


  1. Thanks for the layout.

    I see no one has commented yet. Not much interest for this circuit in general I think.

    Here's my take. There is a serious lack of gain, even with the alteration of the input cap. It pretty much makes it unusable for anything other than light fuzz, if that. My depth control tends to cut the signal completely at the extremes of the pots throw (As in no sound all the way right, and no sound all the way left. Most gain in the center. I have no idea why that is.

    I swapped out the 22K input resistor for 1K to increase gain. I also changed Q1 and Q2 with 2N5089's and man! What a different beast!

    I also placed a 10K resistor instead of the depth pot and placed a 10K pot at the front of the circuit as an input gain control. And what a difference. It is now a great fuzz. Thick, creamy and very authentic sounding.

    Thanks again.

    1. Hi Rocky Dee, I'm trying to build this little one and I was trying to understand how did you place the 5k1 resistor instead of depth (I mean where do i have to solder this resistor on the board), same thing for the 100k gain control pot, I didnt understand how to do that :)


  2. Sorry, slight correction to the above. got better results from whats below.

    5k1 resistor instead of the depth pot and a 100K pot on the input.

    1. Thank's for the build report, Rocky! Lots of good info.

  3. Verified. 22k pot for depth. Sound amazing.

  4. i built it with pnp germanium MP39, Hfe 120-130, used this scheme:
    working realy tru amazing. Use Sag 2kom to get 3V

  5. I used negative earth & 2 kom Sag, which connected to +. So i get 3,6,9 volts.djnt forget to add electrolitic cap before 22 k on in. Its all for germanium Selmer Buzz tone, Early Floyds.
