
Friday, February 10, 2017

Black Arts Toneworks Black Sheep

A biker fuzz if ever there was one. This week's Fuzz Friday layout is the Black Sheep from Black Arts Toneworks. It's great on both guitar and bass and features 3 stacked gain stages with a 4 position switch dictating the input capacitor. Here's the schematic for reference.


  1. I'm really curious to find out exactly what settings people are using on the Black Sheep, AND how you are setting up your amp to work best with the Black Sheep.

  2. Has anyone tried to do this. I have to... made the board already.

  3. Yeah man - this thing rips. I used 2N5088 on a PCB transfer and the amount of gain on this bad boy is nuts. I've only played it through my tiny bench amp and it's still excellent.
