
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Equinox II Demo

Sorry this isn't a layout guys, but I made a quick little demo of the Equinox II reverb and wanted to share it with you all. Still really digging the sound of this thing and works really well with my smaller amps that don't have built in reverb.

A little info (maybe more than you asked for?) on the gear I used: the guitar I used started its life as a Gibson Melody Maker SG–one of those with the single bridge humbucker with the volume control and output jack on the pickguard. When I bought it the neck had a pretty substantial crack in it, so I picked it up pretty cheap. Fixed the crack and decided to turn it into a Junior with a P90 and more traditional control placement. It is very unnerving when you start routing on a USA Gibson, but it's turned into quite a player and I'm glad I took it under the knife.

Much less to say about the amp. It's a stock Vox AC4C1 in red. Got it at close out and it's a great little bedroom amp. A little boxy sounding on its own, but that's why I built this reverb!

The mic used was MXL 990 into a Zoom H4N recorder. Shot with a Canon T4i and I promise next time I do a demo I'll use better lighting!


  1. This is a good video! Thank you! I finished in the proper thanks to you!
    This circuit is amazing!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I made this layout and is cool.... Really smooth

  4. i'm a newbie.. i made this layout of yours but there's no sound at all coming from this thing.. any suggestion how to debug it? can you tell me how to wire this thing up?

    1. First place to start is checking for any shorts or bad solder joints. Use a multimeter to check for continuity. Then if that hasn't fixed it, rig up an audio probe to find where the problem is.

  5. you deserve a prize for all what you ve done buddy, thanks for all this sharing !

  6. I have the same amp, have you thought about modding it and building it in?

    1. I have a little bit, but my bench is already too cluttered with projects. The most I'll do any time soon is swap the speaker and change the tubes out. I actually A/B'd it with a friend of mine's AC4TV that has a speaker upgrade (one that cost almost as much as the amp itself), new tubes, etc. and I liked mine better. Wasn't as boxy sounding and had a little more treble.

    2. Actually now you mention it, mine is the AC4TV. I've already modded mine with a voicing switch and changed the tube to a 12AT7. I might actually try and do this as I totally agree with your definition of it sounding a bit boxy. See if I can find 9v from somewhere inside and squeeze a 9mm pot in.

    3. Opening up the back can really help alleviate the boxiness from what I've read. This guy's mod is super clean:

    4. Brilliant. Thanks for the link and please keep up the great work.

      I've built many of your layouts now over the last 2 years and check every day for new ones!

  7. Please make throttle box distortion layout
    Because i want to built that

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  9. Here's the schematic
