
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

4ms Tremulus Lune

The Tremulus Lune was designed by Dan Green from Commonsound and is a fantastic sounding optical tremolo. It's a very versatile trem, and has a very adjustable LFO section. The audio path goes through the TL072, and the LFO is created with the 4558. A VTL5C2 can be used, or you can make your own photocupler with an LED (3mm red) and LDR (5k/500k). The LED pads on the right side of the board is for an LFO speed indicator. This LED could easily be used as on/off indication as well. Wire the anode (+) to the board as indicated, and the cathode (-) to the footswitch (typically pin 4 or 7–refer to the General Layout Notes tab above). Then wire the footswitch (pin 5 or 8) to the LED - pad on the board.


  1. Cheers, great site here, dh how does one contact admin etc. thanks.

    1. Thanks. I'm the admin. What's up?

      (Email addy is in the comments on the general layout notes tab if you prefer)

  2. Verified! Need to try the Sym-mod and different LDR/LED combo, but with a Tayda LDR and a 5mm diffused red LED it works. Fine and Spacing pots working very subtle for me though. Thanks!

  3. Hi,i would like to build this one but i can't find transfer image for PCB in your library,can somebody please give me a link where it is posted i would be wery thankful :D .... same thing is with Timmy OD there is no PCB transfer image or i can't find ti,so i cuted image from layout, it works amazing but ic is not fit like it should because it's not 1:1 image ... keep on rocking \../ great place for DIY builders

    1. They're both in the Misc. folder of the library

    2. finaly :D... thank you a lot for quick and correct replay

  4. Can I leave the Fine pot off with no changes? what does the 10k trimpot control? I dont have the bourns style one like is pictured, i have the kind with white round top with thicker legs, i tried to do an EA tremolo and it seemed like there were extra holes where trim pot goes

    1. I suppose you could or use a fixed resistor in place of the Fine pot. I think the trimpot controls the gain of the output stage. Adjust till it's clean or to taste. Not sure what type of trimpot you're referring to. In the EA trem layout the extra holes are to allow for different types of trimmers. Guess I just forgot to add them when I did this layout.

  5. Also would a C1k work for Depth? that is all im short off parts wise, and the 500k pots could they be Audio or will it mess up the sweep. I have both just like the audio ones i have better, would keep them all solid shaft. THanks!

    1. In both cases the pot sweep will be altered but the circuit will function. It's just a matter of whether or not the altered sweep bothers you.

  6. Great site. Thanks a bunch for the cool layouts!
    Keep up the good work.
    Just built this and it works like a charm.

    A friendly reminder. The diode in the perf layout point the wrong way.
    Took me a while to notice.

  7. I just built this and when using an audio probe my signal dies at the first 1M resistors. Why is the signal going through the 1M instead of it going to ground? Isn't that 1M just a pulldown resistor to prevent popping on the footswitch? I'm confused....

    1. Yeah, that is what it's there for. You might have a busted resistor.

  8. Does anyone know how to add a symmetry pot? This layout doesnt seem to fit with this board..

  9. Hey man the image transfer file is missing from the misc folder! Can you upload it again? Thanks!

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  11. Just build it and got an under unity volume effect. Solve it replacing the trimpot for a 50k. So if you experience a low volume try to encrease the trimpot value.

  12. doesn´t work for me; it gives me a short measuring continuity in the 9v in and ground.. I've seen it under a microscope and no track is touching

  13. Does 5k/500k ldr means GL5516 ??
    Plz reply soon..

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  15. Boa noite me desculpa a minha ignorância, mais nao estou intendendo as ligacoes dos pontenciometro , como faco para ver as ligacoes
