
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mosrite FuzzRite

Almost a year ago I laid out the silicon version of the classic FuzzRite. Lately though, I decided to redo it after some discussion with Gabriel Monteiro over the 22k resistor. To see that discussion check out the first layout page for this circuit. Our discussion (which in all honesty was mostly a bunch of breadboarding on his part, thanks buddy!) had nothing to do with redoing the layout, but it made me look at the old layout enough that I wanted to redo it, and when I couldn't find my original DIYLC file for it, I had the perfect excuse. So here's the FuzzRite again. This time much more orderly 1590a friendly.

I also redrew the schematic to get my head around it a little better and to also number the pot lugs (which is lacking in most schems and seemed to be a source of some confusion on my part when I originally drew the circuit up).


  1. this is the same of catalinbread, or not even close???

    1. I can't for sure say they're the same. But my guess is if Catalinbread's isn't a straight clone it's really close to one.

    2. they even use the same name!!!!!jajajaj
      thanks dude ;) (gracias viejo)

  2. Well, it works, thanks! Time for fiddling with trannies.

  3. I TOTALLY recomends to use 2N2222 in Q1, and 2N3904 in Q2.

  4. So I got mine working just wanna see if anyone else has the same outcome as me. I have a lighter distortion and fairly amped signal when the depth is turned completely one way. When I turn it completely the other way I get a squashed heavy distortion with a significant volume drop. The volume drop is lower than my clean signal coming in. Anyone else experience the same thing?

    1. i get similar behavior..... do you also get the max volume drop, when pot its roughly at 12 o'clock?

    2. I'm getting the same issue, has anyone identified a solution? Thanks

    3. just adding that I also have this issue. tried a bunch of different transistors, nothing seemed to fix it.

    4. and fwiw, that same issue is occurring with my Merkin Fuzz build (

  5. Would you be so kind and make a layout of the germanium version of the Fuzzrite?
