
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Walrus Audio Deep Six Compressor

The Walrus Audio Deep Six is a versatile compressor that gives studio level compression in stompbox form (that's what their website says, anyway). It's very similar to the BYOC 5-knob compressor, with the only difference being a few component changes in the blend and output stages. I set out to try and make a layout that would fit in a 1590B with on-board pots. Let's just say there's a reason most circuit boards today are at least double-sided. You could board-mount the Ratio and Level controls if you want (use right angle PCB pots mounted on the solder side) and in theory it should fit in a 1590B, but if it were me, I'd put it in a 1590BB and give myself some elbow room. Most 1ยต caps are laid out for tantalums to save space and reduce noise.

Here's the schematic I drew for reference.


  1. Built it- it sounds nice! Question- their website claims to convert power from 9 to 18 volt... how is this accomplished here?

    1. Thanks for verifying. Didn't realize it had a charge pump internally. You would need to add a charge pump daughter board using a MAX1044 or similar IC. That would be a good utility board. I'll draw one up and post it very soon.

    2. where can i connect ratio? its 5 knobs?

    3. i hast attack , level , tone , sustain and ratio? where can i conect ratio? thanks

    4. It's right at the top of the board on the left.

  2. what is the replacment of the IC BA1660? can tfind it here in my place

  3. can i use radila caps instead of that green caps on drawing>?

    1. You can use pretty much whatever caps you want. They all do the same thing.

  4. done building, i have this problem on level pot a100k number to the out connected to it? when i attach the out and the number 2 pot on the board it has reverse volume?

  5. the pot on level number to is connected to the boarD? and connected to the output?

  6. The Level and Ratio pots can be board mounted, however if your using hookup wire, just wired lug to the footswitch and ignore the pads on the board.

  7. I think this schematic has bug. It has two viltage dividers and both of them are V/2.
    I've found same schematic at and they vrefA is the 56k/27k divider (not 56k/56k as in here). Be attentive.

  8. would love to see a Walrus JUlia layout one day! such a great sounding pedal.

  9. Put this together and have this issue where it works great for a few minutes then the vol cuts out and gets crackly. Anybody got a fix for this?

  10. I built mine. A very nice sounding compressor. Only after boxing up and wiring bypass I realized that the output level is way too low. With ratio (mix) set to 100% wet, it hardly achieves unity level even with both sustain and level controls set to max. It does some mild boost when I set the mix to 100% dry, though, which makes me think the problem lies somewhere in the "wet" signal path. Anything I may try to fix it?

  11. can't find ic BA6110 in my country. Any sugestion to replace it?

  12. This is a very very nice compressor. I have a couple of 2 knob boxes that work ok but this puts them to shame . Very quiet pedal until you put the knobs at 10.
    I want to thank effectslayout for THE BEST hands down pedal layout site. I now have a kick ass custom pedal board that cost me next to nothing due to the years of pcb part harvesting and as long as you keep posting your incredible layouts I'll keep building 'em. It's a long shot but I'm hoping you've got at least another 100 layouts or so in ya. Fingers crossed.
