
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Alembic Stratoblaster

The Stratoblaster was originally built as an onboard preamp that could be mounted on a Strat in place of the normal output jack canoe. The gain was adjusted by a trim pot (so no external knob), but the circuit provided 3-14 dB of clean boost. It's a great simple circuit and can fit in a 1590a or you could build it into a guitar (for all you Grateful Dead fans out there).


  1. doh! :)
    Thanks for the quick reply!

  2. for what is the gain 3 and gain 1/2 and how will i connect the output jack? thanks
    for the answer. :D

    1. Those are the potentiometer lugs. If you're building it into a pedal, see the General build notes for how to wire it with a footswitch. If you're building it into a guitar the concept is similar to what's described there too. And Google is always helpful.

    2. thanks for the quick reply sir.

  3. What is replacement for 2N5457 is 2n5458 okay?

    1. That should be ok. Though you may need to adjust the bias (22k resistor going into the drain and/or the 12k off the source)

    2. what value to replace in that position, of I use 5458

    3. You’ll have to experiment and see. Maybe use a 50k trimmer to dial it in.

  4. is it okay to change 1.5 uf to 1 uf?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Verified.
    Layout works but the 100 ohm resistor off of the output should be 100 Kohm. An anti-log pot, like on the GGG version, might have a better rotation.
    I substituted a J113 and a 1uF cap in place of the 2N5457 and the 1.5uF cap, respectively, but it still sounds good. I might lower the 68k resistor to 100 ohms (also suggested by GGG) and replace the output resistor with a volume pot.

  7. Doesn't sound good in a Strat because its too bright. A unity gain buffer sounds better
