
Friday, November 21, 2014

Crap-Fi Delay

Here's a fairly simple PT2399 delay from Allesz over on FSB. Here's what he had to say about it:

It is a simple circuit and it works good but: the mix and repeats pot are a little interactive in quite a strange way (anyway they work different from a standard echo: to turn off the delay you don'use the mix pot, but you turn to zero the feedback pot) and the on off is a little bit noisy (the clip is recorded at low volume and you will hear kids (always noisy) and clicks so, mostly, the clicks are from the mechanical sound of the switch, but a little noise makes it to the amp too) in order to minimize the clicks the input is grounded on bypass.

The major differences between my schem and the others pt2399 projects I know are that I didn't use the opamp between pins 14 and 13 and I didn't put a cap between pin 2 and three (repeats sounded cleaner to me this way).

I put a small switch to select between long and short delay; the long delays are quite dirty.


  1. no sirve algo esta mal podrian poner el diagrama.

    1. Google Translate leads me to believe the effect isn't working for you. I reviewed the layout and I'm not sure what schematic I based it off of. It may have been a later revision. At any rate, I've redrawn it from Allesz's original schematic. The layout has been updated.

  2. i made one layout fro here see my mine

  3. simple and good delay. i like it brothers. sorry for my bad english. cheers \m/ from indonesia

  4. sw2 to time 1 and 2?? 1 and 2 are linked?? sorry for my inglish and thank you very much for de efect work!!!

  5. I made this one and things are fine but an over loud popping sound... what to do bro?

  6. Replies
    1. I think I used this one.

  7. This is a very good delay; but there's any way to remove the pop sound?

    1. Try increasing the values of the pulldown resistor as input and output.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I made this effect and the result works ..
    and good sound
    thank you

    I am from Indonesia

  10. Just build a vero of this which didn't have the 4001 in the layout... Is it worth adding? Many thanks!

    1. It's for polarity protection. As long as you don't plug in the wrong power supply you're good.

  11. This efeck good sound ,but i have any truble about potensio not control ,sorry my bad

  12. Built it and love it! Lo-fi and can get pretty crazy. Using for the synth and drums.
    The only strange behaviour is that the delay is always on even with the Mix pot turned all the way down, but perhaps that's dedicated more for the filtering the sound and not for Wet/Dry mixing.
    Thanks for schematics.
    I'm officially now an addict to this page.

    1. I had the same result! Mix knob fully CCW is wet but also filtered differently and more lo-fi almost like the main signal is in front and the delayed signal is sitting behind...fully CW is also wet but more like the delayed signal is in front with the original signal now sitting in the back...also more loud and clear. I know that sounds weird/confusing to anyone randomly reading this and I'm sorry. It is an interesting pedal and it self oscillates like crazy and can create strange sounds!

  13. please help, the delay doesn't come out, it's just clean ...newbie😊

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Montei este projeto, fiz duas unidades, ambas apresentaram o mesmo problema. Ao ligar o pedal, o som da guitarra passa normalmente, sem mudanças, ou o efeito "atraso" não acontece. Troquei os potenciômetros, troquei o PT2399 ... E nada. Alguém aí teve o mesmo problema? Alguém pode me ajudar a resolver este problema?

    Saudações, do Brasil.

  16. hello I have a question, I do not understand the connection with the potentiometers, I know that I have 3 potentiometers. but how are the connections?

  17. Verified sounds perfect but I have a problem in mix potentiometer if e rotate the knob there's a weird noise
