
Monday, December 7, 2020

Dirt Master

 Here's a little something I whipped up the other night on a whim. Actually built it on the fly before I even drew up a layout. I was trying to build something with some old mojo caps I found on my bench, and it initially started as a treble booster, but I ended up wanting more gain. Initially it was based on the EQD Arrows, but added an extra cap off the emitter (ala the Rangemaster) for more gain and snarl. I used a germanium transistor with an hFE of around 230. Worked well with a silicon transistor as well. Room for experimenting with the input and output caps. Should fit easily in a 1590B. 


  1. Replies
    1. точно, что лучше , чем ничего...я об этом его посте = )

    2. о! русская мафия собралась :D

  2. Replies
    1. No. There's a few other semi-original designs on the blog and in the store.

    2. Then I suggest a new label: semi-original.

  3. if you want, you can use 3 caps & 250-500k pot for in & get high, mid, low booster
    i used germanium too. Rangemaster classic scheme.

  4. If I revese the caps and swap the 9+ and G around could I use a PnP? or just use and high gain NPN? thanks, I need some dirt.

    1. You'll need to flip the polarized caps and the polarity diode, but in theory, yes that should work with a PNP.

  5. Are those 10nF caps unusually large, or are they just represented that way in the stripboard image because they span such a large gap on the board?

    1. It's mentioned in the description... David used "old mojo caps" in this layout. I take that as large axial capacitors.

  6. f°ckin awesome, thank you !!
    I really love the Arrow. I think this one could end up under my pickguard, we'll see...

  7. I am an admirer of this site. is there a new project in 2021 !!

  8. Newbie question. I have an extra lawn darts PCB but no prefboard on hand. Beyond changing some values, I suspect I could (1) omit the 100p cap, (2) tent the diode with a 100 ohm resistor, and (3) add a 47u capacitor over the emitter's resistor, and use the lawn darts PCB to build this circuit? I want a small circuit to drive the Grumble Skuzz fuzz and this seems a likely candidate.

  9. I searched but I didn't find it here, could you create a perf / pcb layout for this project?

    I'm a big fan of this blog, thank you for the incredible work, thanks David and everyone who made our day to day better !!!
