
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Double Llama

Had a request for 2 Red Llamas on a single board, and my initial reaction was, "Just build two," but since there are 4 unused hex inverters that could easily be used for a second Llama, my reaction changed to, "Why not?" lol Designed to fit in a 1590BB, but might fit vertically and sideways in a 125B.


  1. Wah sangat menarik bro...
    Satu pertanyaan
    ,berapa volt 330uf?

    1. The 330uF is a radial just on its side. I'd go with one rated at least to 25v.

  2. How it work,David? Separate stereo, or together? For what, explane please.

    1. Hey Zzoyd! Check out this video. At about 3:40 in he demonstrates using two pedals... one into the other.

      Wire the switches up and you get the same thing in one enclosure.

      Right David?

    2. I guess you could wire it up as stereo, but you'd have separate controls for L and R. It's meant to be a 2 in one box, and used much like the video Wad linked. Run one into the other, or even doing something like the EQD Grey Channel and have one on/off footswitch and one to select between one side/channel or the other. It's really up to you.

    3. Can u handdraw buttions commutation picture, suitable for this pcb?

    4. Here's a drawing that I made of the wiring with A footswitch connecting into the B footswitch. One or both Llamas can be on, each with their own LED.

      (My apologies for mangling your drawing, David)

    5. Hardly a mangling at all, Wad! That's exactly how you should wire it imho.

  3. Thank u so much! Did you really build it?

  4. About capasitors - can you create manual/picture whats size of capasitor picture means capasitor V?

    1. Voltages should be higher than the supply voltage (in this case 9v). Electrolytic caps I tend to go for 35-50v generally as I've seen lower voltage ones blow even on a 9v supply.

    2. Thank u so much. What about green(nF) and yellow (pF) capacitors, what Voltage should be?

    3. Hi Serge. You might get some good help by reading up on some of the info available through other sites.

      There are many others, but those two cover a lot of good info. I hope this helps you out.

    4. Dear Wad,

      Another qustion about Barber Dirty Bomb Scheme (this blog have it). Layout have 13K3 resistor, i think is a bit rare. Can we use 13K only or this is critical?

    5. That would work perfectly.
      You could probably even use a 12k resistor without noticing any difference.

      Within +/- 10% is usually "close enough" for most pedal components.

    6. Dear Wad, need some your help again. Im complete my Barber Dirty Bomb, but each time pedal burn my (V Power Adapter ;))) Its work little time and then berned)) Now i lost 2 PSU))) How fo you think, what is reason?

    7. Hello Serge.

      I am familiar with power supplies burning pedal components, but I have never heard of a pedal causing a PSU to burn up.

      We don't often get much feedback here on these threads unless it relates to de-bugging the pedal layout posted. I think you would get better help if you signed up for and posted your problem in the troubleshooting section. There are many people there who are MUCH smarter than I am when it comes to these things.

      I'm sorry that I can't help. Good luck!

  5. Oh sial kehabisan pcb dan 330uf 😩

  6. Verified.

    Wired up like the photo I posted in the discussion above, it works like a charm. I used an old RCA 4049 that I pulled from an organ (so I like to think there's a special sauce mojo spice element to my build). XD

    Playing with humbuckers... MAN!... this is a gnarly pedal.

  7. Thanks for all your work on this blog, you're a saint!
    A couple of questions:
    1. Are both sides identical? Seems like they are, but it never hurts to check.
    2. Do you by any chance have the schematic you used for this layout? I would love to lay out my own PCB for this build, to make it more compact and sharpen my Eagle skills.
    Thanks in advance!
