
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Lovepedal Super 6

Here's a simple MOSFET overdrive from Lovepedal. Should be a quick and easy build in a 1590B. The board is designed to fit vertically in the enclosure with this kind of pot soldered on alternating sides of the board (Intense and Volume on the component side, Tone on the solder side). Oh, and the electrolytic caps are just lying flat, but not axial types. Schematic, notes and even a 1590A layout here. My layout below is so symmetrical I had to get a fabricated version on store... Here's the description from Lovepedal:

Reminiscent of the mid 60's Blackface Fender era. Specifically a Blackface Super on 6.

Plug the Super 6 in to a ANY clean amp to nail that mid-60's American amp tone. This unit will turn a small amp into a much larger sounding amp instantly.

With an onboard vintage tone stack to die for, you now have ULTIMATE control over ANY guitar / amp / effects combination.


  1. Transistor is BS170.

  2. man! can I get the stevie mod version modifying this layout?

    1. I haven't seen a schematic for that version. I've seen people tack on a Fender two-band tone control to this circuit though. But that's not easily done to this layout.

    2. Stevie mod version is an entire different pedal.It's op amp based,probably a modified OD11(timmy clone). If you are interested in Texas-Stevie's tone check the Vemuram Jan ray(another timmy clone). I believe that Jan ray and super six Stevie mod must be very similar.
      Another good option for that sound is the Jersey girl fulltender.

  3. Hello! Great layout. Can you help with 9.1v diode? what is it?

  4. I put it together. This is not at all like an overdrive. Rather, it is pre-amp. Tone and Intense - make very minor changes.
    But, thanks for the circuit! )

  5. I tried it on my breadboard, and it works. I used a 1N4739 diode.

  6. I made it with an etched PCB and works perfect. It's less distorting than I expected but sound awesome as a colour box for your clean/slightly overdriven tone.

  7. Today I collected it, but for some reason it doesn't work! my first pedal! several resistors in the soldering nominal of 0.25 watts, this may affect the operation of the circuit?

    1. That won't matter. Time to start debugging:

  8. Hi, built it and it works, thanks for layout, i am new in pedal building and have one question which component is responsible for the amount of overdrive?
    thanks in advance

  9. Built this tonight... sounds good, but the tone control seems to have very little effect. I breadboarded JUST the tone control, tried some different value caps and even a 500K pot and it still didn't seem to do much (I even compared it to the schematic).

    You've got an output cap, another cap that bypasses the pot, output cap going to lugs 2-3, and lug 1 going to the output, right?

  10. is there a companion site where you have the schematics?
