
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

OKKO Dominator

Here's a big one, and just so happens to be the 700th layout on the blog 😎—the OKKO Dominator distortion. It's a couple of JFETs pushing an opamp with active EQ, with a charge pump. Originals use a switch to select the range of the mids control, but it's easy to swap out for a pot. Schematic can be found here on FSB for reference. Easy fit in a 1590BB.


  1. Yess!
    Congratulation too! Unbeliveable, 700!!!!
    Im working in a okko diablo, and i think this one is the next in my to-do list!

    Great Job!
    Greetings from Austria

  2. PS: EHX "soulfood" would,nt it be nice to build on a pcb layout!?!?

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  4. 700!!! there are many layouts! congrats! thanks for this!!!

    one more suggestion: baja EVH

    I swear I build.

  5. Super! Congratulations! It would be great to make MXR Envelope Filtr with mods (range, reverse sweep) Great blog, further success!

  6. Did this one but I couldn't find half of the components here in the village I live. Tl072 for IC1, B20K's instead of B25K's, 8K2's instead of 7K5's, 47n instead of 51n and Bf245C's. First, I tried with 1N4007's in the charge pump but the drop was too much, so I subbed those with 1N5819's and now I'm getting 17,2V at the input of REG1, and 14,8V at the output. There was not enough gain. Subbed the FETs for a couple of out of spec j201's and it got a little closer to a nice overdrive, but nothing near the real thing. The EQ is fantastic, btw. Any suggestions?

    1. Also, the charge pump output cap is missing in the layout. I've put mine on the solder side, right above REG1.

    2. for IC1 you must use original OPA2604 otherwise doesnt work.

  7. Verified again. Finished this today and works great. Great distortion pedal and sounds great. Used 47n in parallel with a 3.9n for the 51n cap.

    Keep up the amazing work.

  8. Your 700th layout (congrats love the work you do), my 62nd build of your phenomenal layouts (once again thank you Ive got some amazing pedals now) . So just wanna say that as far as my high gain builds this one has it all its neck and neck with my tight metal. With the Dom the notes are more clear and articulate and seem to cut through the mix better than almost any pedal ive ever tried. It took a while to dial in my flavor but when I did 4 and a half hours flew by. I couldn't stop playing guitar and I ended up playing another couple of hours more. hope to see more high gain stuff theyve all kicked ass!!!

  9. Hello!!! I made this pedal and it has a constant beep, as I did not find the error I did it again but it remains the same. I changed the icl7660s for a max1044. the noise diminished very little. I do not know what it can be ... I suspect the bf245 are fake ... some replacement for them?
    Greetings and thanks for all these incredible contributions!

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  11. What are the names of chips ic1 ic2 and so on?
