
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Wampler Pantheon

The Pantheon is Brian Wampler's take on the classic Bluesbreaker circuit. It adds some of the mods from the King of Tone as well as a Baxendall tone stack for the Bass control (the would be treble control of the Baxendall is fixed) and a gain switch to set different min/max settings of the Drive pot. Fits in a 125B like the original. If you're not feeling like etching or grabbing the perfboard, there are boards available on the store.


  1. Has the PCB been verified?

    Looks like you guys are the first to have stock/sell a "working" pcb? (PedalPCB looks like the board hasn't been released yet!)

    1. The board in the store has been (I don’t put anything up in the store that hasn’t been verified). The one above has not yet.

    2. Awesome, thank you for the confirmation! :D

  2. Hi, i made it tonight, but it is not work, becouse you made mistake in the second opamp. 100k between 2&3 legs, but have to go between 2&1!

  3. & presence pot torning to the another side

    1. This is actually correct according to the partial schematic Brian posted on FSB:

  4. Thanks for working on it, Bit Zzoyd!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. verified. But i have taken 4 Bat 41 Instead 4148 into cascade(where clip 5,6)! and yet, Pantheon has very hard sound with low gain! I dont know, why. I think it's just a character blues breaker schem...

    1. Hi vit, how conect the 4 bat41 in cascade ?


  6. Good afternoon. Could someone pass me the connections of the SPDT (gain) and DPDT (clip) switches?

    1. Pads correspond to the numbering system laid out in the General Layout Notes tab.


    2. So, of the 6-pin dpdt on-off-on switch, do I use pins 3 and 4?

  7. Build it Last Night, Works Perfect! Sounds Great, ( i etched the previous version, But it was only a Little correction!)
    Congratulations to this layout!
    Thanks very much!

    Greetings from Austria

  8. I etched this board tonight and it appears that the etching layout is missing a hole/solder pad that appears on the perfboard layout. The 47pF capacitor between pins 1 and 2 of the 4580 seems to only have a hole for pin 2. There also seems to be an extra hole for pin 3.

  9. One last note on this. In addition to the 47pF capacitor (C3) being across pins 2 & 3 of IC1 on the etched layout instead of pins 1 & 2 like it's supposed to be, I'd also suggest using a smaller power supply jack and drilling it lower on the enclosure. The standard jack can fit, but it's VERY tight and almost touches the two switches.

  10. Two positions of the gain switch on my build sound the same. Anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?

  11. The same thing happens to me :/

    1. Comigo também aconteceu. Alguma solução?

    2. Keep the same, try to change some values but without result, I made 3 circuits and the 3 are the same, I keep looking in forums.

    3. Ok.Acho que vou deixar com uma switch on-off.

  12. @Effects Layouts, what would be a good replacement for the 4580? I have a good stock of jrc4558, tl072, and couple of tl062. Thank you for this layout by the way. :)

    1. Any dual opamp should work fine. The ones you listed are good subs.

    2. Cool. Will socket both IC and listen to what sounds best to my ears. This is my first perf build. Been building vero for a while now and would like to try this way because of board-mounted pots to make boxing easier. Btw the drilling templates in your site, I see the Pantheon but looks like the location of the switches are off (Top of enclosure). Should I wire the t.switches offboard? Thanks again man.

    3. Oh yeah, looks like off-board wiring for the togglesw. I didn't notice until now that clip 1 & 2 had to be wired at the bottom. But just to confirm, those drilling templates are same location for the board mounted pots? For any layout that has them.

    4. That's correct. Switches are almost always soldered off board unless otherwise noted since they're pretty hard to solder to a single sided board from the solder side. And yes, any layout with board mounted pots (unless it's a really simple one with only 1-2 pots) has a drill template in the Dropbox folder.

  13. All right... so there are several things to pay attention to:
    - presence pot should be wired the oposite way - lugs 1 and 3 sould be swapped (this is how it works on original pedal)
    - voice switch should be on-on-on to have both clipping stages engaged in the middle position (like in original pedal) and not all diodes lifted (like it is now in this layout)
    - boost switch should be wired differently: looking from the top 3,1,2 and not 3,2,1. Otherwise you don't have any difference in two positions. When you connect it the way I suggest you will have 3 gain stages like in original pedal
    - you also need to drill one additional hole at the leg one of the IC to put the 47pF cap between legs 1 and 2 and not 2 and 3 - there is a small mistake in the etching layout
    Having said that I must say that this one sounds really good! Thanks!

    1. -the boost switch is wired correct but the 1meg resistor on gain3 needs to be disconnected and wired to gain1

  14. Hi. Thanks for layouts. I built this one. It's working but i have a problem. Volume too low. Why could it be. I'll be happy if you can help me.

  15. Works well just cant get the presence to work. tried reversing 1 and 3 to no avail.
