
Friday, November 3, 2017

Chunk Systems Brown Dog

Got a bass fuzz for Fuzz Friday this week. It's a gated fuzz with both clean and dirty level controls, an envelope jack to use with funk-style effects, and a soft/hard clipping switch. From the manufacturer:

The Brown Dog enables you to produce rampaging waves of meat with your bass guitar while still keeping your basslines tight and letting the character of your instrument's tone shine through. With two fuzz modes (hard and soft), a mixing stage and a unique gating circuit the Brown Dog gives you a wide range of fuzzy and synthy bass tones.

I've laid it out for board mounted pots and will probably fit best in a 125B, but it will probably fit in a 1590B if you omit the envelope jack.


  1. Yay, thanks for this! It would be awesome if you could create a layout for Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk somewhere along the line next...

  2. I second the request for the Agent 00Funk.

  3. If you don't want to put in the env jack would you just leave it alone or would you have to bridge it?
