
Friday, January 6, 2017

Firestriker Fuzz

It's Fuzz Friday once again, and in keeping with the week's theme, here's a silicon Tone Bender-style fuzz with board mounted pots, jacks, and LED. This one does use true-bypass switching and I've included a daughter board for a 3PDT footswitch. More info in the build document linked below.

Firestriker Fuzz Build Doc

I've enjoyed this brief rabbit trail with Eagle a lot and hope you guys have too. We'll be getting back to the normal DIYLC-based layouts next week, but let me know how you guys like these Eagle layouts. Might do more in the future. 


  1. Gonna give this one a shot as soon as I get the board mounted components.

  2. Please, please do this once in a while. I like what you did and I like board mounted components. You're amazing. Thanks man.

  3. It would be great too if you post the Eagle files.... :)

  4. It's will be nice to post this layouts once a week! It's awesome to have everything board mounted.

  5. I love to see your blog evolving this way, dude.

  6. this is great what you do with eagle :D

  7. This thing is verified! Well, just the circuit, haven't drilled the enclosure yet, if I can I'll try today, but there is this other circuit that was posted today that is really grabbing my attention that I must verify.

    I really like the layout, nice and clean and all the board mounted stuff fit really easily. The pedal itself sounds nice, with the thickness and the bias pots you can go from muff to more tradional fuzz pretty easy. I think I am going to experiment with some different transistors. Thanks for this layout! Look forward to board mounted layouts in the future.

    What eagle libraries did you use? When I have build my own etch layouts using eagle my cap solder hold ended up really tiny, so drilling the hole was an exercise in patience and steady hands.

    Great work, I'll verify the drill template and post that when I get a chance.

    1. Awesome! Thanks for verifying. Keep me posted on the drill template. I've been using the madbean 2012 library primarily.

    2. Cool I've been using 2016, maybe the wrong cap? I'll look into it. The drill template gave me some trouble. I think the jacks need to be a little higher from the bottom. And the power jack is just slightly offset (little higher) from the jacks, maybe by a millimeter or 2. I kinda messed up the pot alignment, so had to make all my holes a little bigger. Also the ground plane edges are good but the audio jack edges stick out a bit, so I had to file the plastic down a bit. Making all the holes bigger worked. Because of the alignment issues on my side it's hard to say what needs to change, but I think the jack need to go up and the led hole needs to go down a touch. It worked and I might try again another time with slight adjustments.

    3. Also the tone goes in the opposite direction that I expect, brighter is counter clockwise, just noticed this now that it's all boxed up.

      This also an original circuit? Cause it really sounds great!

    4. Good to know. I figured the drill template might need some tweaking. I'm planning on building all of these layouts at some point, so I'll refine that drill template later. This one's based on the Hot Silicon Tone Bender with a few tweaks.

  8. I'd love more like this! board mounted rocks! thanks!!
