
Friday, October 16, 2015

Zvex Mastotron

Happy #fuzzfriday, everybody. The Mastotron is a heavy silicon fuzz and a variation of the Wooly Mammoth. It can produce a wide sonic range from 8-bit sounds to complete wall-of-fuzz tones. I've drawn this up to fit in a 1590B more conventionally than the Zvex way. You can use PCB-mount right angle pots, mounted from the solder-side of the board. 

I'm going to try and start including drilling templates with layouts that have board mounted pots (or at least the right angle kind). As I have time, I'll be going back to previous layouts with board mounted pots and creating templates for them as well. You can find them in the new Drilling Templates tab at the top of the page. You can find a 1590B drilling template for this effect here.


  1. Verified! And sounding awesome! I used the pcb.
    The layouts with pcb mounted pots rock!

    I'm going to build another one for experimenting, as this circuit lends itself really well for some nice modding.

    1. Thanks for verifying! Board mounted pots are my favorites as well.

  2. Mmmm, fuzzy goodness.

    Mine has also come out a treat. Thanks for the layout.

  3. It sounds great. But i have a problem to fit all components in the 1590b box. I ll modify the tickness of the box with a pvc plate off 10mm. And i ll see..

  4. Is this already mirrored and ready to transfer? Thank u!

    1. Ready to print transfer pdfs can be found in the Transfer Image Library at the top of the page. No flipping necessary if you're doing the typical tone transfer method.

  5. The drilling template has 6 pots instead of the 5 pots and a subs switch? Do you have another template for this layout that includes the switch? Your blog is amazing by the way, thanks!

    1. Just use the top middle pot drill for the switch.

  6. Hi, why the volume potenciometer is lineal? Would not it work better if the potentiometer is logarithmic?

    1. Just what zVex used in the originals apparently. YMMV

  7. Hi, I just finished my Mastotron! This is my first guitar effect DIY, and it sounds great! Thanks for all your documentation, it is perfect!
    I even etched the aluminium case for a better finish.
