
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

SoulSonic FX Hunny Bunny

Here's another design by Martin from Soul Sonic FX. Here's what he had to say about it over on FreeStompboxes:

It's a cool little hybrid combo of an opamp driving a MOSFET. It has a great range of drive, from light and crunchy to thick and heavy. At it's highest settings, some people might consider it a distortion, I guess it just depends on how hot your pickups are. You can see some fun tricks used in this circuit; subtle things that give it the special charm it has. 


  1. Hi!
    Thanks for the layout, I built it with TL071 and 2N7000. I could play with it with the gain control all the way down, otherwise it is very harsh and noisy. Maybe my fault or a bad component. I read that a post presence control could cure it, maybe I will try it someday.

    1. Huh. Wonder if that 301 chip is just that much less "gainy" than an 071 or what. Thanks for the report.
