
Monday, June 22, 2015

Millenium 2 Bypass

I guess I'm about 15 years late to bypassing effects using this method, but I thought I'd post it anyway. Like most builders, I generally use a 3PDT footswitch for most of my builds. However, I recently purchased some DPDT footswitches to use on a few effects that either use a weird way of switching (Crowther Audio '77 Hot Cake) or have a built in buffer (MOD 'Verb Deluxe, Pearl/Vorg Warp Sound). I found that the "click" made by these DPDTs was far quieter than the "kuchunk" made by regular 3PDTs, and wanted to use these quieter switches on a few builds. So, I decided to investigate the Millenium Bypass designed by R.G. Keen. So for those of you who like the quieter click of the DPDTs or if you just have a bunch of them kicking around your parts drawer, this layout is for you. I've drawn 2 versions: one is a small daughter board you can mount the LED directly on (perf and PCB), and the other is for PCB mount DPDTs that will cut down on the offboard wiring.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry your comment got removed somehow. Not sure how that happened. Anyway, check out the transfer image library tab at the top of the page. The transfer file is in the Misc folder.

  2. Hi. I need some help. I made this and the LED stays on. I read that the effect output should give a sufficient resistance for the LED to go off. I have no idea how to check for that. The effect that I'm bypassing is the Klon Buffer.

    1. I verified this one personally, so my guess is you probably have either a solder bridge, or maybe a bad resistor. But the first is more likely.

  3. Hi, do you do True Bypass Relay Switching layout?

  4. turns out those color codes to help mean nothing haha ..perf is beyond my skill can do some of these on perf you dont need any help making a connection!

    bowing to the perf masters i am

  5. hello , I did not find this layout in the transfer image library has to buy elsewhere?

  6. could you please make a pcb with dpdt mount but using the pentellium system??

  7. Hi, can the 1n4148 diode could cause drop in voltage in sumatory with the proteccion diode that comes on a regular circuit that has no bypass section?

  8. is it ready to transfer? or i have to mirror the image to print it? im talking about the one that includes the switch o the board

    1. If you're doing toner transfer, yes it's ready to print. And I suggest using the pre-scaled pdf in the Tone Transfer Library

  9. O meu deu super certo, percebia que o primeiro acionamento faz ainda o bump, após isso ele não apresenta mais nenhuma interferência.
