
Friday, May 29, 2015

Run Off Groove Condor Cab Sim

Part of the last request included a cab simulator to run the headphone amp through. The ROG Condor is a great cab sim and has a fairly low parts count. It uses a JFET amplifier at the input, boosting the signal to drive the following 3 filters (Bridged-T notch filter, High-pass filter, and Low-pass filter). Much more info on the circuit can be found here, as well as a few mods. J201 apparently sounds the best for Q1, but similar DSG pinout JFETs will also work. Any dual opamps can be used for the 2 ICs, so socket and try the usual candidates (TL072, JRC4558, etc).


  1. layout tested , works fine , gorgeous pedal, would like to see after the modifications to Marshal this layout. thank you

  2. hey,
    How much should be the glow on the transistor?
    How much value to expose on the variable

  3. This pedal can replace an amp
    Can i use this in a live session and go direct to PA?

    1. You'd still need something like a direct box to go to the PA, but theoretically yes.

  4. Replies
    1. Yep. Sweep might be a little off but it’ll still work

    2. Which comes at the end of the chain - this or looper?

  5. Can i add a di box after this cabsim?
    (Guitar -> cabsim -> di box)

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  8. How's it going, bros?
    I think there's a 1nF cap missing on the non inverting input of the last op amp. It was supposed to connect to ground from there, according to the schematic.
    Thanks for the layout!

    1. You're absolutely right. There's indeed a 1nf cap missing from pin 5 to ground on the 2nd op amp. It doesn't work properly otherwise (there's an unbearable wall of noises without this cap).

  9. the voltage is 4.5 volts for transistors? can I exchange the trim for a 22k to reduce it to 4.5 volts?

  10. so you run the cab sim into the headphone amp? howd that turn out? should you leave the volume put on the condor?
