
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Run Off Groove Odie

Here's the Odie from Run Off Groove. It's an alternative to the Tube Screamer using JFETs. Be sure to adjust the drain trimpots to 1/2 the supply voltage. Sound clips can be found here.

This one is verified (and sounds fantastic). Here's a few pics of my build.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah start there, but tweak it by ear. I don't remember the voltages I ended up with in my build but it wasn't exactly 4.5v

  2. Please... Gimme a sound sample of this one. Thanks brother, may you have a long life

  3. done building this one.
    nice sounding OD

  4. The transfer image in the library are missing some pads. 2 pads for Q3 and one for the 47uf cap. I drilled the holes anyway and I think it'll work just fine.

  5. Just built this this weekend, yes the transfer library is missing some pads, same as Henrik found 2 pads for Q3 and one for the 47uf cap, but I drilled them out and it worked great. I did not have any 3.3nf so I used 4.7nf, and I accidentally swapped the 100K with the 250K at first , and I kinda liked the tone I got from that, I have not done the math yet to see where are the frequencies are at with the changes, but this pedal rocks!

  6. According to the schematic there is a 1n capacitor after the 3k resistor. Is it not necessary?
