
Thursday, December 18, 2014

MXR Phase 45

I've seen a lot of different PCB layouts online for this effect, but all of them had at least one jumper on the board. Jumpers aren't the end of the world, but I know for me, if I'm going to go to all the trouble of etching a PCB, I don't want to mess with jumpers. This layout is jumper-free and will still fit in a 1590B type enclosure.

MXR released the Phase 45 along side the more famous Phase 90 in 1975. The name comes from the number of degrees of the phase shift it's capable of. Some say it's similar in sound to a UniVibe and can be modded into being more of a vibe pedal.

The original units used 2N5952 for the FETs (make sure you match them by the way), but others can be used. I listed 2N5457 in the layout because they're what I have on hand. MPF102, J201, or 2N5458s could also be used. Really, any FET with the DSG pinout.

If you want, you can hardwire the C500k pot to the top of the board, though I would suggest using a long leg PCB mount pot (like these) and mounting it above the component side of the board (like this).


  1. Hi, do it yesterday, works but has a notable volume drop, the same issue than the tonepad layout, so you got to change the 2 last 10k resistors for 1k5 ones, and the last 47n cap for a 10uf electrolitic, do this and works faim!Thanks!

    1. Thanks for verifying! Fixed the layout with those changes.

    2. hi Mod, you build this with 2n5457 how's it sound?
      i build tonepads ross phaser because it uses lm13600 which is easy to find

    3. 5457s will work fine. Just make sure they're matched. This uses the TL072 which is one of the most used dual opamps ever. Should be super easy to find.

    4. When you say the last 10k resistors and the 47nf cap do you mean the ones in the left corner? thanks for answering in advance and greetings from Mexico!

    5. Any tutorial on matching jfet? How t9 match 2n5457

  2. same layout but i substituted Transistor to BF245C & its work

  3. How to make univibe mod? Thanks

  4. Please update the transfer image.

  5. Hello
    Assembled as on the scheme, but instead of 2N5457 used BS170
    Works, but when I play a chord - there are noises
    What could be the problem?

    1. Your replacement: 2N5457 are Jfets, and BS170 are Mosfets.
      Instead 5457's you could try BF245, MPF102, J201.

    2. So the whole thing is obtained in the difference between MOSFET and JFET transistors?

  6. Hi guy! I am from Brazil and I have built some handmade pedals faithfully following the layouts here of the site ... the LPB of EHX is unbelievable! Then it was MuffFuzz's turn, great timbre! But after the first two, I tried 2 more fuzz and a compressor without success ... the effect was half missed and one of them did not even call ... I suspect the transistors; I decided to do the Phase45 because I managed to be very faithful to the project (the trimmer was 200k, the transistors MPF102 and POT B500k because here in the Brazilian capital I do not think POTs "C" lol), but it did not work !!! it turns on, slightly changes the timbre but neither traces of the phaser effect ... it was a very beautiful and well done circuit and did not work the effect! would you have some light to help me solve this problem ?! : D and sorry for the awful English! I used google translator to be faster!

    1. man! exploring the trimmer I arrived at the sweet spot and I found the effect !!!! it works perfectly!

    2. I want to thank you for making these layouts available, now I'm doing with the pen on the board, like in the Stone Age and I've got amazing effects and pedals! thank you so much dude

  7. Replies
    1. You'd have to compare datasheets, but off the top of my head I don't think the J112 is a good replacement for the 2N5457.

  8. Hello! about the volume drop... the last 47n cap for 10uf or 47uf?

  9. i use pf5102 and 5.6v zener, work good

  10. hello built this it passes some signal depending how hard the strings are hit but badly badly distorted and running guitar, phaser, amp. I couldn't find a 250k trim pot and used 100k instead, matched hfe 2N5457 and Tl072 ic. I think maybe its subbed trimmer giving the issues. I've changed the ic's and tried closely matched J201 with the same distorted signal. So to me the only thinged left is the trimmer? does this seem to be the case to any one else?

  11. Hi
    I mounted my phaser but the sound comes out VERY low
    almost anything!
    What can it be ?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Really nice Phaser, this gave me a lot of work, I´ve build it with the univibe mod.
    It wasn´t giving a good phase, more a tremolo effect than a phaser, I tried different Jfets IC's, different cap values, then I realized the problem was in the mix of the output, the 1k5 resistor fron the left is wrong, it should be a 10k, and place the one 1k5 just below the other. It works beautifully now

  14. Finished it and sounds really great! Didn't matched my ICs. Just picked up two 5457s and slapped them in. Here are my changes. If you could just refer to the right board not the perf one coz both seem to have different R values toward output. So from IC (bottom one) the 10K from pin7 to 10uF to out I changed to 1.5K. Then the same IC, from pin2 1.5K to pin1 I changed that to 10K. Also, adjust trimmer coz it's really a tiny sweet spot and then you get phasing!

    1. Sorry, I meant I didn't match my *fets. lol

  15. Please do a phase 90 with quadop amp or dual op amps.. pretty plz

  16. I see several people saying 1.5k and 10k needing swapped. The layout on the top left has different values from the top right. The 10k going to pin 2 of the lowest tl072 and the resistor beside it are different on each layout. I am also not confident of the labeling on the pinout of the jfets. Google tells me drain and source should be swapped. I have signal passing but no swirling phaser effect. Please help.

    1. 0.10uF (above at the left) should be 10uF, my build didn´t need to change 10K for 1.5K, everything else is ok. I used LF353 instead TL072.

  17. Would you update the layout, please?

  18. Verified using 2SK30A's as that was all I had.
    Nice and subtle sounding phaser,
    Thank you!

  19. After 3.9M it shows 0.10uF cap (the lfo section - 150K / speed pin 1 / 0.1uF) , all the schematics I´ve seem shows 10uF. I`m getting to much speed in the lfo and I can´t get any phasing signal until now. I´ll keep debuging my board, I am tryinhg using matched sets of 5457, 5458, J201.. ..even I try the 1.5K instead 10K fix you talked before, no phasing, is acting just like a tremolo. I put a 250K potentiometer instead the trimmer so is easier to set the jfet bias.

    1. I have changed this 0.10uF for 10uF, put it back the 10K resistors and the effect is working perfect.

    2. The output 10uF cap must be 47n.

  20. Is it possible to add a range/depth knob to this circuit? Anyone know where to solder it up?
