
Friday, November 14, 2014

Klon Buffer

Who doesn't love a Klon, right? Here's the buffer stage of the Centaur. The original Klon uses one side of a TL072 for the buffer and the other for gain stage. If you're building the just the buffer, you can get away with a TL071. I've laid out a perf and PCB for each.


  1. built both but i only have tl072 at the moment, its verified to work, and does very well, im putting this in my triple muff madness machine !

    1. You gotta post some pics of that beast when you get it done. It's gonna be epic.

    2. wish i knew how to post pictures, the thing cant use the 3 muff at once :-/
      but i was kind of expecting that :-)
      its more of a wich one do i feel like using and test bed..

      lets try ;

    3. That thing looks awesome. You got any gut shots?

  2. you know what i'm going to test this one because i''ve PCB made for this one !
    But in my case what should i've to use ? 71 ou 72 ?
    Please see other post on dual posts … :)

  3. Probably us a 072 since that's what you'd be using in the dual version.

  4. OK !!! this one work very good !! Thanks man
    Please see one post at dual section …

  5. I just put a switchable TL071 Klon buffer in my Korg pitch black tuner thanks to your layout! Really appreciate the size of it. Thanks for the work!!

  6. Is it possible to use your schematic with 12V?

  7. I it also possible to use the TL072 version as Bosster? I would add a Trimpot to your circuit to adjust the output volume. I need it a bit louder.

    1. You'd need to modify the circuit to make it a true booster. Namely adding resistance between pins 1 and 2 in the TL072 and a few parts off pin 2 to ground or VR. You could try the trim pot route, but I'd suggest removing the 100k to ground and 560Ω after the 1µF output cap.

      If you're looking for an opamp-based booster, you're probably better off going looking at the MXR Microamp, BBE Boosta Grand, or Jack Deville Boost Tiger.

  8. And also is it possible to change the value from the output cap? because in different buffers they use 10uf-47uf and i feel with this circuit i loose a bit of bass. could it be?

    1. You can increase it if you want. I suggest breadboarding the circuit to make the modifications you're asking about before committing to solder.

    2. Hola! Acabo de terminar de hacer el circuito, y tengo una sensible perdida de ganancia y de brillo. Probe los 2 buffer y en los 2 tuve el mismo problema. Exactamente el mismo.
      Al ver la foto noto una sensible difernecia entre los valores expresados en los componentes y los valores que puedo ver en la foto.
      Esto es, donde en el plano dice 1 Megaohm, en la foto veo 100k, y donde dice 100 kohm, en lo foto veo 10k.

  9. Just built the TL072 version, i notice a decrease on the output, it is very noticeable. Any clues?

    1. Hola! Acabo de terminar de hacer el circuito, y tengo una sensible perdida de ganancia y de brillo. Probe los 2 buffer y en los 2 tuve el mismo problema. Exactamente el mismo.
      Al ver la foto noto una sensible difernecia entre los valores expresados en los componentes y los valores que puedo ver en la foto.
      Esto es, donde en el plano dice 1 Megaohm, en la foto veo 100k, y donde dice 100 kohm, en lo foto veo 10k.
      Algo de eso debe estar mal.

  10. Hola! Acabo de terminar de hacer el circuito, y tengo una sensible perdida de ganancia y de brillo. Probe los 2 buffer y en los 2 tuve el mismo problema. Exactamente el mismo.
    Al ver la foto noto una sensible difernecia entre los valores expresados en los componentes y los valores que puedo ver en la foto.
    Esto es, donde en el plano dice 1 Megaohm, en la foto veo 100k, y donde dice 100 kohm, en lo foto veo 10k.
    Podrias decir los valor correctos de todos los componentes? Resistencias, condensadores y demas.

  11. Hola chicos, acabo de armarlo con 071, esta muy bueno,lo que veo es que empata las frecuencias de la guitarra haciendo sonar los bajos, medio y agudos al mismo nivel, lo puse dentro de mí wah wah, pero la salida con un swich.

  12. Hi, my buffer to your circuit on TL072 gets overdrive from the guitar signal (passive pickups) and starts wheezing. when the volume on the guitar is lowered, the wheezing goes away. What could be the problem?

  13. Hello, I have a question, can a trimpot be placed to control the output volume????
